Second Time Of Asking

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Taylor's memories

"Two Big Mac meal's and three happy meals please"

"Eat in or take out"

"Eat in"

"What drinks would you like?"

And so it went on my evening job three nights a week and all day Sunday serving the masses their MacDonald's meals.

I started a month after entering college as a cleaner and was soon asked to train on the tills serving food, I readily agreed as it was a small hike in my wages and enabled me to save a chunk and put it with my inheritance, the rest I squandered on my Friday nights out and my monthly shopping spree with the girls, you know a few bargains from Primark or if things were good New Look.

I didn't have a bank account as I was not fond of the way they made it easy to spend more than you had, so my wages were paid into my parents account and they would send me the cash in a parcel along with a few homemade goodies each month.

I know not very safe or sensible but it worked for me, the money was then tucked into a small shoebox stuffed inside my old rucksack, ready for me to pay for my tuition and any books or emergencies that arose, otherwise it remained untouched.

Today being a Sunday I was behind the counter for the next eight hours, well only two now as I was way into my shift.

I got on well with my co-workers and we had an enjoyable time, the shifts goes very quick as it's a very busy restaurant and you don't have time to breath let alone chat, unless you class calling out for a special order chatting.

I'd had my break a couple of hours ago which consisted of, you've guessed it MacDonald's Big Mac meal, the perks of working is getting a free meal, saving me the chore of feeding myself on a Sunday.

Now back behind till four a fake smile plastered on my face as a whiney preteen girl couldn't make up her mind what she wanted and her mother who did not have the patience of a saint, was getting angrier by the minute.

The urge to tell them to go away and come back when they have decided growing by the minute, as I knew the queue behind them would be getting antsy and would most likely take it out on me.

Eventually they decided and moved off with their meals the girl still whining, seriously she needed a good talking to.

Soon I was back in the routine dispensing customers orders as quickly as I could.

"How may I help?" The words slipped off my tongue so easily.

"Could I have a groped arse please" came a husky male voice, making my head shoot up from looking at the till to staring into a familiar set of dark grey green eye's.

Oh shit it was the guy from the nightclub the other night.

"Oh hi" I congratulated myself for not sounding overawed.

"What can I get for you" another pat on the back for me.

He leant forward and I followed suit as it was noisey and I couldn't hear what he was saying.

"As I said another groped arse please and only if I can return the favour" pulling back from whispering in my ear with a huge smirk on his face.

Whereas I pulled back with a rather red face.

"Um yes well, that wasn't me that um pinched your... you that was Kelsey" as if he knew who Kelsey was or believed my story.

"Well feel free to do it yourself anytime" then he winked at me.

Get a grip girl, your working not flirting.  I chastised myself.

"Anyway sir, what would you like"

"I've already told you" again with the smirk.

"Look" I semi whispered.  "You're holding up the queue and if my supervisor sees I could lose my job, so please order something "

"Only if you agree to see me after your shift"


"Because I want to see you that's why"

I huffed and blew out my breath.

"If I agree will you then please order and move?"

His smirk grew.

"Of course"

"Okay" I drew out.

"Excellent what time do you finish"

"Five, now please order"

"Great! I'll wait outside for you and by the way I'll have a Big Mac meal please"

Thank God for that!

My supervisor was giving me a questioning look and the queue were sizing me up for my coffin, quickly filling his order I smiled sweetly and wished him a nice day, this after he had practically blackmailed me into seeing him after work.

The next few customers were not amused and gave me a reasonably hard time for making them wait even though it wasn't my fault, but soon they were served and out of my mind, that was again occupied by a certain grey eyed handsome hunk that wanted to meet me after work.

The rest of the day went like any normal Sunday, fast and furious and by the time my shift ended I was exhausted.

Then I groaned as I remembered I had a guy waiting for me outside, when all I wanted to do was catch the bus back, go to my room, put my aching feet up and continue where I left off with my celebrity magazine's and possibly indulge in a small alcoholic drink, but hey, not tonight, I gave it all up to be charming and gracious with Mr blackmailing hotty.

Picking my handbag and jacket up from the locker room and waving a quick goodbye to my work colleagues, I sauntered out onto the wet pavement, it wasn't raining at the present moment but the sky was dark and overcast so no bets taken that it would likely start up again.

As my eyes returned to street level, there he was, I had hoped he was kidding me and had given up and gone home, but nope there he was in all his glorious handsomeness swaggering towards me from the other side of the road.

I must shamefully admit I couldn't take my eyes of him, the way he moved so fluidly, exuding confidence, his clothes hugged his body as though they also found him gorgeous and wanted to get as close as possible to him.

I know it sounds kinda clichéd but it was like you see in the movie as the suave sophisticated gentleman walks towards you on the screen the hip swinging walk, the movement of his muscular body, the ever present smirk on his lips, all the women stopping, turning and ogling him.

Hey wait since when do I stare and drool over a mere male, pull yourself together Taylor for god's sake.
Okay he good looking, well down right sexy handsome, but that's besides the point, he may have a nice arse, killer lips and a body to die for, but that's not the issue here...

By the time I had finished my internal conflict, he was standing directly in front of me with a straight white toothy smirk playing on his lips.

I was in serious shit right now, any guy and there had never been one yet, any guy that had me in the state I was currently in, was going to cause me trouble and quite literally would be the death of me.

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