Chapter 34

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He kisses me back passionately. I've never felt so alive before. His hands roam my body.

"Hey, to the couple in aisle six, can you please go get a room?"

I take my body off of his. A blush seeps into my cheeks, and once I turn around I see Tobias start laughing, and I soon follow.

I pick up the bottle of ranch that so conveniently fell onto the floor while we were kissing, and put it in the basket.

I grab my mates hand, and say, "Come on, I want you to meet some people."

I pull him towards the cashier boxes. I put all the items onto one, and slowly the guy that is working checks off our items. I almost groan in annoyance, but I keep myself handled.

As soon as all the items are in the bags, Tobias gets them all in one hand and holds my hand with the other one. I smile. I haven't felt this good in days.

"I walked here, but our destination is close." I tell him.

"So are you going to tell me where this 'destination' of yours is, or are you gonna leave me hanging?" He asks jokingly.

"I actually can't tell you where we're going." I snap my fingers, and blindfold him.

"Wha- why? Tris come on."

"Nope, not taking any chances. Wait, don't you have to go eat dinner with your parents?" I ask. I hadn't thought of this sooner.

"Nah, they don't even know that I'm not home right now." He says.

Oh what I would do to have one more thanksgiving with my parents. I frown. Thankfully, because he is blindfolded, he doesn't notice.

We arrive to the packs border, without crossing it. I slowly take the blindfold off of him.

"I need to warn you, there are a lot of people in the house right now, so don't be overwhelmed. Also, they are probably going to start calling you Alpha, and I'll have to explain that to you."

He nods his head in approval.

"Wait, isn't the alpha the head of the pack?" He asks. Oh, right, I forgot he liked werewolves.

"Yeah." I reply.

"So, does that mean that you're the alpha of the pack?" He asks, shock etched onto his face.

I nod my head in reply.

I grab his hand and start pulling him to the entrance of the pack house. I open the door to the house, and immediately, the smell of my pack mates hits my senses in overdrive. Tobias observes.

"Hey guys! I come bearing food." Immediately, I can feel the excitement of my pack rolling off in waves. This creates a smile to appear on my face.

Everyone, go to the living room, now please. I say through the link. Scrapes of chairs against the floor could be heard.

I grab Tobias's hand and lead him to the living room. Instantly, fifty pairs of heads turn to us, and I can feel Tobias shift under there glance, a very abnormal occurrence, for he usually reeks of confidence.

I stand at the front of the room.

"Everybody, today is a day to be thankful. I am thankful to have met you guys, to have met my mate, and to simply have people to spend thanksgiving with. Today, i present to you my mate, and your future alpha, Tobias Eaton." The room fills with applause, and soon after, they go to the kitchen and start eating.


"I'm stuffed." I say. My mate chuckles at my reaction.

Thomas comes up to our table.

"I'm, hi alphas, I just, well," he scratches the back of his neck, "I wanted to say thank you, alpha Tris, for saving us, and to welcome alpha Tobias to the pack."

A smile as wide as the moon spreads itself across Tobias's face.

"Thank you, Thomas, that was kind of you." He retracts to his seat.

I grab my mates and place them on the table.

Ah, mate, I'll never get used to saying that. Snow purrs happily.

Peeta and Katniss walk up to us. "Thank you, alpha." They say simultaneously.

Remember, the bite. Peeta whispers in my head. I glare at him, causing him to chuckle.

Thankfully, the house is finished, so I can go up to my room in peace. I lead Tobias behind me, and he looks at the house in aw.

"How did you guys get such a nice house in the middle of nowhere?" He asks.

"I built it, with my magic actually." I say, fidgeting with my fingers.

He smiles, and not just a smirk, a genuine smile.

I continue up the stairs, and once we get to my room, I open the door.

"This, Tobias, is my room, and it could very well be your room too, but I need you to listen."

He nods his head slowly.

"In a pack, there are three pairs that lead it. The gamma, or the theirs in command, is in third place. It is the one with least power of the three, but still has power over normal pack members."

His eyebrows furrow, processing the information. I continue.

"Then, there's the beta, or the second in command. The beta has more power than the gamma, but it is not the one with the highest power. The beta, though, helps the alpha make decisions and takes care of the pack when the alpha is absent."

He looks at me intently.

"Then, there's the alpha, le the first in command. The alpha's take care of the pack, control it. They are like the parents of a family, and they have to treat their pack members with respect. They have the highest power."

His lips turn up slightly.

"Because I am an alpha, my bite is powerful enough to transform an ordinary human into a werewolf. What I'm saying is, would you like to help me lead the pack and stay by my side?"

His brown eyes seem shocked at first, but they quickly recover.

"If it means being with you, I'll do it." I smile at his answer, happy that he would put me above everything else.

My lips kiss his, slowly.

Then, very gently, my fangs extract, and I sink them into his neck.

So yeah, that happened. Here's another chappie for you guys. Love youuu!

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