Chapter 18

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Tris Pov.

"My eyes?" I answer.

"They're pitch black." He says, a scared emotion on his face.
I look at the my eyes in the car mirror. Just as Four said, my eyes are pitch black. I think of a lie that would convince him.

" when I'm happy, my eyes change color." I lie. I'm the best liar, so he bought it.

"It's good to know I make you happy." He replies. Even if I can't see myself, I know I'm blushing.

"Are we still going to The Pit?" I ask.

"Yeah sure."
We spend the rest of the car ride in comfortable silence.

Once we reach The Pit, we get out of the car.

"Move your ass Tris! I want you to see Snow!" He yells.

"I'm coming!" I yell back.

"Hey Four?" I say once I catch up to him.


"Im gonna go and check something out real quick. Stay right here."  I run right after I say that, I don't want him questioning my actions.

Once I know I'm far enough, I strip off my clothes. I then turn into my white wolf, and head over to The Pit. I see Four patiently waiting for me to come back. I wish I could tell him, but it's too soon. I don't want to overwhelm him with the big burden I call my secret.

I start getting closer to Four, making sure he sees me. Once he does, I give him a big wolfie smile. I go closer to him. He sits down on the grass, clearly wanting me to come and sit down with him. I go over to him, and sit down next to him. Right when I sit down, he starts talking.

"I brought a girl today." He starts. I inwardly smile at the thought of our date.
"We went to get ice cream. She kept blushing, she looks adorable when she blushes. We were about to kiss, but a stupid driver interrupted us." At the mention of almost kissing,   I too got disappointed. "I don't know where she went, but I'm pretty sure she'll be here any minute though." I frowned at that thought, he was still waiting for me.

'Let me take care of this.' I hear Snow talk to me in my head.

'What?' I ask. How the hell was she gonna take care of this problem. Four is still talking to me, but I block him out to be able to concentrate on Snow.

'There's this procedure that I've recently heard of, you can temporarily separate your wolf from your body. It's rarely done, but if we want our mate to be happy, we've gotta try.'
At the mention of Four my heart starts to flutter.

'Ok, let's do it' I say reluctantly.

'Just leave it to me.' I can practically see her smirking.

'Uh oh.' I say jokingly.

'Shut up.'

About five minutes later, a can feel myself separating from Snow.

'Try to transport me far away so we won't frighten Four.' I say nervously, I can already feel myself on the brink of separation.

'I'm not stupid, of course I'm gonna do that!' And then, I felt a part of me being lifted, and I was suddenly standing where I had left my clothes. I quickly changed into them and started making my way over to The Pit.

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