Chapter 19

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Tris pov.

"He's just a friend." I say, hoping he bought my lie.

"I don't think so. What was that kiss?" Damn it! "I believe you have to be punished. You don't deserve anyone. That boy was stupid enough to even hang out with you. You're a worthless piece of shit!" He yells at me.

Unexpectedly, he slaps me, making my cheek burn, and resulting in me yelping.

"Shirt off." He demands.

I hesitantly take it off. I'm not ready for this at all.

The first couple of lashes, I was used to. At around lash 20, my back was covered in blood, it stings, and let me tell you, it stings like a bitch. At around lash 30, I stopped counting the lashes. He has never gone over 40 lashes, but today, I think he reached at least 60-79.

"That boy could achieve great things in his life, actually succeed in what he does, but you came, and ruined everything for him! You deserve to be extra punished today." He says with an evil smirk. I walks over to the counter, leaving me limp on the floor. Pain is searing through my entire body, but I can't even imagine what he has planned for me.

He then comes back with a knife in his hand. Uh oh. This is not going to end well.

'Use your stupid powers you dumbass!' I hear Snow say in my mind.

I try to use my powers to knock the knife out if his hand, but I think that all my blood loss is affecting me or something.

'Try harder!' Snow says in a panicked voice.

I try again, but failed miserably.

"Now, if you scream or make any noise at all, I won't hesitate to kill you. "

I see him pull the knife back, and I immediately know he's gonna stab me. I try to move, but I'm too weak, and it's to no use. He brings the knife down, stabbing me in my leg. A small yelp escapes my mouth, but I then remember his warning. Black spots surround my vision, but I refuse to give up. A sudden rage fill my body like no other, and I once again try to flick the knife out of his hand, actually succeeding this time.

"What the he- aghh." I tell a mouse to please come, and to bite my foster dad in the leg. I know it won't do me much good, but it will give me an advantage.

While he gets his shit together, I scramble to my feet, but a searing pain crosses my leg, making me yell out in pain. I look over to him, the distraction didn't take long. I hop to the door on one foot, my body aching in every place possible, and get out. And, through the pain, I run towards the woods.

'Shift to wolf form! It's the only way I'll be able to help us!' Snow pleads through the link. I try to shift, but the world becomes a little dizzy, and makes me fall to the floor. I try once again, and fail again. I look down at my leg, blood is pouring like a waterfall. I reluctantly touch my hand to the handle, and yank it free. A scream comes out of my mouth. Before I could scream anymore, I shift, blood covering my wolfs white fur.

I fall flat on my stomach, and let Snow take over.


I can barely keep my eyes open. Snow ran as far away as she could. Right now, Im stranded in the middle of god knows where. I'm currently resting in wolf form. My paws are burning, and my leg is slowly healing. I pick up a scent, another wolf.

'This is our chance to get pack members!' Snow yelps.

I stay alert, though.

'These wolves are rouges, which means they don't belong to a pack. We're finally getting a chance at a pack!' She explains.

I slowly walk towards the other wolfs smell, carefully trying to not step on a twig or a crunchy leaf.

I look ahead of me, and spot a grayish/ whitesh wolf, a beautiful completely brown wolf, and a black wolf with white paws- with a bit of ombre going up its legs, ending at its chest, and a white snout.

As if sensing my precense, the brown wolf turns around, suddleny alert.

'They can sense your authority, shift back!' Snow tells me eagerly.

Not knowing what to do, I follow Snows orders, and shift back. I walk over to them, but get a menacing growl from the brown one.

"I wouldnt do that, Im an alpha, as you already know. I could smell your fear from miles away." I dont know where I got my sudden confidence from, but I continue anyways. "Shift back." I demand. they refuse. "I said shift BACK!"

There was so much power in my voice, even I was scared of myself.

The reluctantly shifted back, and I saw two boys and one girl.

"What are your names?" I ask a little softer than before.

"Im Katniss Everdeen, this is Gale Hawthorne, and my mate, Peeta Mellark." she says in a soft, yet bitchy tone.

"Im Tris Prior, alpha. I still dont have a pack, so I dont have a pack name, and I would love to start a pack, but Im going to need your help. Would you like to help me?" I see Katniss's face soften, and I see Peeta and Gale nod eagerly. I guess they miss the pack life. Katniss still looks skeptical though. Peeta glares at Katniss, and it looks like they're having a conversation.

'Mate link.' Snow reminds me.

"Fine, we will agree to join your pack." Katniss says defeated.

"That's great! Only you guys can't stay with me. I have uh- family issues." I cant tell them about my dad!

"Dont worry, we got that covered," Gale says, speaking for the first time."Follow me." he adds, waving his hand.

I see them all shift, so I do the same. once I shift, they all do a wolfie kind of gasp.

'You're a white wolf! They are thought to be extinct!' I here Peeta in my mind. I turn my head in confusion 'They are said to carry powers no other supernatural creature can ever posses!'

They all give each other frightened glances.

'Lets get you out of here, before anyone finds you.' he says before running in the other direction.


Im sorry the updates are pretty slow guys.

Anywho, we got some Hunger Games cast! OOOOOOOH

I love you all awesome nerds

Stay fresh,


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