Chapter 29

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As we walk to class, sweat beads my forhead and pain surrounds my senses. I breath in deeply. This pain is unbearable. I catch Four giving me a look.

"What!?" I growl at him. His facial features look scared for a second, but then they go back to neutral.

"Calm down." He tells me. "Shut up."

'You're hurting our mate.' Snow tells me.

I inwardly scream. She's so irritating. This stupid 'heat' is irritating. I don't know how I'm going to be able to stand this for a whole week. I sigh and apologize for my actions.

My knees buckle as another wave of pain hits me. Four manages to catch me, and the sensation of his touch spreads coolness and pleasure through my body.
"We need to go." He says, and for once, I nod and agree with him.
"Let's ditch this hell hole." He says, and for the first time today, I laugh. We sneak out of school, and once we reach the cat, he asks me, "So, where to?"
"Let's go to the pit."

I rest my head on the window and close my eyes. I groan as another wave of pain hits me. He looks at me with a frown, and drives faster. I feel like curling up into a ball and dying.

"Hold on baby we're almost there." He says In a soothing tone. I nod my head in reply.

We soon get to The Pit, and I hurdle out of the car. Four comes over to me and lifts me up bridal style. I lean my head on his chest, and soon, my breathing becomes normal, and I fall into a normal, somewhat peaceful sleep.


Apparently, Four also thought it was time for a nap, so when I woke up, I found him with closed eyes and snores coming out of his mouth. I chuckle, he is a funny sleeper. My stomach growls, and at that sound, Four wakes up.

"I'm starving." We both say at the same time. He picks me up and walks over to his car, gently putting me in the passenger seat. He gets in the car, and starts driving.

Once we get there, I realize it's the cafe that we went to when we skipped school. I smile at the memory, and walk in.

"Are you feeling any better?" Four asks me.
"When I'm with you, everything is better." His mouth lifts up into a lopsided grin, making him look more handsome than he already is.

The waitress escorts us to a table near the window and hands is our menus.

We ended up having an awesome time, and I remembered I had to go home because of that stupid dinner that Caleb was obsessing about earlier today.

When we arrive to my house, I kiss Four on the lips, loving the feeling of his lips on mine. I sigh in happiness. "Thank you, for everything." I say, giving him another quick peck. I walk towards my house, and when I'm in front of the door, I send Four a kiss, and he pretends to catch it. I giggle, before entering the house.

I run up the stairs, shower with cold water, dry my hair, and make soft curls at the tip of my hair. I dress into a white shirt and a black skirt. I smile at my reflection, and head downstairs.

When I reach the bottom, the doorbell rings. "I'll get it!" I scream. I open the door, and a happy looking Michelle stands in the doorway. "Hey, come inside." I say kindly. "Hi." she replies.

"Caleb! Michelle is here!" I scream. I hear a thud, and then running. I laugh, "Are you okay?" I ask him. A pang of pain shoots up my body. Seriously!? It had to be now? I quickly recover, and follow Caleb and his girlfriend into the kitchen. There, the table is set and a nice looking salad sits in the middle, along with a very good looking salmon. They probably ordered this from a restaurant. None of these idiots know how to cook.


"It was awful!" I whisper into the phone.

"Come on, it couldn't have been that bad." Four says laughing.

"It was soo awkward. My fo-" I stop myself. "My dad kept on asking her questions. She was so uncomfortable."

"Whoah. Hahaha. That does sound awkward."

"And the entire time, Caleb was tapping his foot like an idiot."

I hear a laugh from the other side of the call. I groan when another wave of pain hits me.

"Are you ok?" He asks worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

In the next room, I can hear Caleb and Michelle fighting.

"Seriously?" Michelle screams.

"You are obsessing over nothing!" Caleb retorts.

"Ugh oh. Trouble in paradise?" Four asks.

"I guess so." I boredly say, creating a flame of fire on my palm, but extinguishing it quickly when I hear footsteps outside of my door.

"I gotta go, see you tomorrow at school." I tell Four quickly.

"Bye-." I end the call.

I grab a book that was on my bedside table. The door opens, and my foster dad barges in.

"Get out of the house. Your brother and I have some matters we need to attend to." He says, in an extremely rough tone.

"Yes sir." I say, walking out the door. Once I reach him, he forcefully grabs my arm and pulls it roughly. I run out my bedroom door, and run out of the house. As I run, I shift in midair and run towards the place where the pack house will soon stand.

When I get there, I see Haymitch and Katniss, along with Harry and Hermione.

"Hey guys!" I say to them.

"Hello Alpha." They say in unison. Weird.

"Whattcha guys up to?" I ask.

"We were waiting for you, actually." Haymitch says, smiling.

"What's up". I say, curiosity lacing my voice.

"Walk with me." He says, so I start walking.

"Is everything alright?" I ask, starting to get worried.

"Everything is fine. You need to start building the house, though."

"Are you going to help me?"

"Of course."

"Well then, lets get building!"

Hey guys!

I'm so fucking sorry for not updating in literal years. I'm not really feeling this story anymore, honestly. But I get really inspired when I read your comments, so for all of you that do comment, thank you for everything.

I know this story is complete bs. Like, I read the first few chapters and it like, wtf? But when i'm done, I will edit it For all of you that have stuck with me until now, thank you. I truly mean it.

Also, please go check my other story out, 7 Days! It would mean the WORLD to me. Thank you guys for everything, and remember to vote and comment!

Later nerds!


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