Chapter 23

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Tris pov.

Christina drags me into school, and starts mumbling about how I don't keep her informed. I'm not gonna lie, my leg hurts a teensy bit. I turn around and blow a kiss to Four. He pretends to catch it and places it on his chest.

"What was that?!" She practically yells.

"Be quiet!" I whisper.

"Not until you tell me what that was!" She yells in that chirpy morning voice of hers. By now, we've made sort of a crowd, and people are looking at us in a funny way.

"I'll tell you if you shut up." I retort sternly.

"Fine, dang."

I then proceed to tell her the whole story. Once I was done, she stares at me in awe.


"Christina calm the fuck down!"

"Oh you did not just cuss at me!"

"Hell yes I did. "

"Girls, please stop it." Marlene says while she looks at us uncomfortably. She had the right to be uncomfortable, people were staring, and some had even taken their phones out, no doubt taking a video of our fight. Some were even groaning about the fact that we stopped.

"Don't you have something better to do!" I screamed at them. Everyone scurried away, and I knew I was loosing control, and fast.

Four walks in talking and laughing with Uriah and Zeke. He sees that I'm mad, and runs over to me.

"Tris, come on. Let's go before you do something you'll regret. " He grabs my hand and leads me outside of school. I know my eyes are yellow, and I'm only barely keeping my claws and fangs out of sight. I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

"Tris, Tris look at me."

"I can't." He lightly touches my chin with one finger and turns my head upward.

"Please Tris. Look at me." He says so softly, I almost didn't hear him. I slowly open my eyes, and once I do, Four looks at me In a startled manner.
"That's why I didn't want to open them."

"I was just surprised. I'm not scared. I know your eyes change color when you feel strongly about something. It's ok, don't worry."

I then stand on my tiptoes and place a soft kiss on his lips. He tries to deepen it, but I pull away.

"Thank you, Four. For everything."

"Anything for you."

We then walk inside, hand in hand, leaving people speechless.


I'm currently sitting in math. Math is the last period before lunch, and there are still 30 minutes left before it ends. I internally groan, and do the problems on the white board. I'm really not bad in math, but I freaking hate it. It's so boring and useless. Like seriously, when the hell am I going to find the square root of something in life?

I finish doing the problems and show them to my teacher. He quickly checks the answers and gives my notebook back to me. I look at my answers and see that they are all correct. I go back to my seat and take out the book that I've been currently reading: The Lonely Hearts Club. It's really good.

Before I know it, class is over.

I put everything in my backpack and get out of the classroom. The worst part about math is that none of my friends are in that class too, so I'm all alone.

I go to my locker and put my things in it. My locker is next to the schools 'It Girls' locker. She's a cheerleader, has good grades, and is super pretty. It's really stereotypical though. I hate stereotypical people. Her name is Nita, but I've heard she is a total bitch. As I put my last book away, Nita actually comes and opens her locker. She gives me an ugly face and goes the opposite direction. I return the ugly face and she stands there astonished. I don't think that anyone has challenged her before. She flips her hair, and walks towards her minions, obviously talking about our exchange. I glare at them and walk away.

Once I enter the cafeteria, everyone stops what they're doing and looks over at me.
"Don't you have anything better to do! Get on with your messed up lives!" I let all of my fury out, and everyone immediately goes back to what they were doing. I feel my eyes turn yellow, and I put my head down, making my hair act as a curtain, shielding me from from my classmates.

I go over to where Four is sitting. My fast breaths slow once I touch him, and I close my eyes in pleasure. I know that they've changed back to their normal, so I open my eyes once again.

"Are you okay Tris?" Uriah asks.
"I'm fine," I snap. "Sorry, I've had a rough day." Four draws circles on my hand and my tense body relaxes. "Thank you." I whisper.
"Anything for you, love." He whispers back. His voice sends shivers through my spine, and a smile spreads across my face.

The rest of lunch was spent laughing at Uriah's dirty innuendos, and Christina's glares, but I obviously glared back.


I carefully walk into my house. I slowly close the door, and turn around. I see my...

{nah I'm just kidding}

Brother making out with his girlfriend.
"Eww Caleb! Get a room!" He jumps away from Michelle and blushes. I look at them in disgust, and walk out of the house.
I check to see if anyone is there, and I shift into my beautiful white wolf. I start running towards The Pit. Once I get there, I see the gang with their animals. I don't recall them saying that they were coming in lunch, so I'm kind of confused as to why they're here. Surely they would have told me, right?

I see Four sitting on a fallen tree stump, looking angry, sad, and betrayed all at once. I go over to him and sit in front of him. "Snow!" He strokes my fur, and let's out a sigh. "I'm so mad right now, Snow." Instead of telling me more, he keeps on petting me. I then remember something, I had planned on meeting my pack today. I lick Four's hand, and run towards the forgotten pack house.

Hey guys! It's been a long time. I want to dedicate this chapter to @EmmaDoodle00 because of the wonderful comments that made my day. I personally love this chapter, and instead of goals and stuff like that I will be updating once a week.
Until then! Love,

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