Chapter 10- Saving The Lass

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So allow me to go back a few minutes, I found Master at 4:15 AM. It took a few minute to find him, as usually, he is usually in his cottage, which is a couple minute run from where we stay, which is the guest house.

Since I didn't find him there, I went to check on our house, since Mira goes and buys some groceries from the town around this time (she says it's best for food to be fresh. I just know she makes killer stew, and that's all she can make because you're dead after eating it (full).

When I arrived at the building, Master has out his flask, some light gear (found out later that it was for me) and he had a note in his hand, saying that I can find her at my Grandpa's old farm in 4 days, and he would take care of me then.

"Your training is going to be put on hold" Master had said once I finished reading this.

"We need to go save her!" I yell at him.

"It's not we, it's you, kid."

"You're not going to help?"

"Not unless you fail a simple rescue attempt."

"... Alright. May I know why?"

"Because if I always pull you by the balls to do things the right way, you will never be able to do them alone. She is your friend, you brought her here, and now she is in danger. Responsibility is something I can't teach you, it's something life will through hardships. While I do feel sorry for her and take care of her like I would a daughter, then in that happy family, I need to let you experience those hardships. So you have seven days to finish this task and get back to me.

"Fine. I'm going, Master."

"Oh, yeah, and this can count as a D-Rank mission: Saving The Lass."

"... Thank you."

"Also, bonus task. Choose one of these two options, and whatever happens after will rest on your shoulders, the benefits or the consequences."

I stay silent

"Option 1, let the Prince live"

I stay silent. I watch him, waiting to see what he has to say.

"Option 2, kill him."

"Choose now." He said sternly to me, his face blank and he was waiting for an immediate response.

"I choose option 3, do my own thing. You told me a Ranger needs to settle his grudges his way, and that to be a Ranger means to leave past grudges in the past; That means I need to solve them first to become a Ranger. You want me to take control of my Fate? My Destiny? Sure. I have already determined what that is."

He looked at me with a cocked eyebrow and snorted. He rolled his eyes and looked back over to me again.

"Tsk, kid, you're getting cockier by the day. Alright alright, to make sure you can back up that cockiness, here is a new Bow, silver black- this also counts as four years of birthday presents, as I forgot to get you anything and had this custom made. As for the belt, it is made to work with both your combat weapon choices, the greatsword, and the flying daggers. I will leave food and water to you, as well as staying alive. Don't die on me, kid."

On that note, I kowtowed and left. I felt a few tears in my eyes, but I knew he did this for my sake, I need to become stronger. I pray to god I will have the strength to kill him, and save Mira. I pray I will be able to sleep at night without hatred. I pray I will be able to make his life worse than hell( though I did learn a couple ways to torture someone to near-death...).

I pray I will be able to avenge Grandpa, and put his soul to rest.

I pray I can complete this task, as I must.

I pray I will be to arrive before them and prepare.

I am done praying- it's time to do action.

In ninety-six hours, I will end this.

"It's never good to leave unforeseeable possibilities for the future. Sometimes you have to destroy the root of the problem, ensuring no chance for the trouble to re-appear." - Ranger Seiya (yes, it's a she.. there is apparently more female than male Rangers.

 The Rangers Descendant Book One: Destiny [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now