Chapter Four: Lets Do This

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"What do you want?" I spoke coldly at them.

"You know... to hear the next part of your story!" The man in lead mocked.

"Don't worry... you will regret listening in on my conversation, but don't you worry, I will leave your corpse whole." I started charging at them. A small knife had appeared in my hand.

"So how are we supposed to get out of here?" Kael asked, "And what is the mark on my hand?"

"ONE question at a time. First, don't worry about the mark, I'll explain later. As to how we get out- we just walk out. Who is going to stop us? Pacifists won't fight, and Sammy boy will keep them busy-"

"So we're going to sacrifice Sam to escape?"

"Oh god smites me, or I swear I may murder a child... yes. We sacrificed one to save the rest. According to me, the adult, you and Mira are more important than some old guy who once attempted to spy on a noble."

"How do you know he tried to spy on someone?" Mira asked

"...It's a way we Rangers use to know who did what. Whether it was spying or being a peeping tom, it depends on who you ask. I know he wasn't spying but only those who the court of Nobles deem as spying gets that punishment, where they burn your face with an iron."

"If you know he is innocent, why did you not try to help him?" I asked.

"Life lesson number 1- always look out for yourself first. When it happened I was under my own sort of, erm, questioning, so it was not the prime time for me to assist someone else, let alone a butcher."

"Oh. So you were being lazy. Grandpa said laziness kills you." I said.

"Yeah, well your Grandpa is dead and I am alive. Guess he was unlucky. What I do know is the plan... listen closely..."

4:30 PM-

The plan is done and finalized.

... We will sneak out the back, and while we do that, Roman will go up to the second level of the church with a bow...

Roman, within moments, had completely destroyed the locks on all the caged. Mind you there's nearly no people here, but as Roman said, it's enough to make a commotion.

"Listen up! You no-good trash of society will die if you stay here, and if you run, guards will kill you. So you have two choices. 1 causes a commotion and hide, maybe you can escape. 2. Go down fighting..."

Just as he finished these words, a burly man started running forward, apparently wanting to be the first one. He grabbed a huge bar, similar to one like the cages are made from and stood patiently before the door. Following his lead were 3 others, who grabbed what they could find (and one found a freaking pike) and stood to wait. It is near dinner time and thus the guards will soon be coming down.

4:53 PM-

Guards came down with food trays, which were taken over immediately. Both, guards and food trays. One killed by the burly man hitting him with the pipe, the other one passed out at the sight of blood.

4:59 PM-

Roman taught me how to tie a guy's arms, feet, and neck together so if he screamed, his arms and legs pulled if he pulled his arms, his neck and legs pulled, and if he kicked his arms and neck pulled. Pretty cool till I tried... I somehow tied my arm to his leg. Roman told me what I did wrong and that he would show me how to do it again sometime else.

"Lets go lets go! All of you upstairs and create a ruckus. Baldy with the pike, go and try to get down Sam if it's not too late. If so, stab the bishop. That will show them. Mira and Kael, on me!"

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