Chapter 37- End Of Book One

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Authors note:

Hey guys, this will be the ending of book one,

But I will include book two into this as well...

What I will do is for a different effect, I plan to first write out the second book THEN begin my postings onto here, which for the first few chapters, around a week as I have a bunch of different ideas I wish to try out and format them.

This was my first attempt at a true story, and this entire time, you all have read through this book... commented different remarks, and helped me fix my mistakes.

You have made me laugh, cry, and have a great time.

I do, not as a sign of advertising, hope you continue to help me in my other stories.

Shoutout to TheGeekestGirl. You have been an amazing editor, and I hope that if you would like to, maybe we can work on more projects together.

Your a really, really amazing person.

And to all the readers, thank you for the times we shared. I hope I made you proud.

As for the ending of this story... this chapter shall conclude as a giant authors note.

I wish to leave you on a cliffhanger. One which makes you want to read the next book.

I plan to place a much greater aspect of detail and word choice into the next story. I will make you guys proud and wanting for more.

You, the readers, inspire me to write, you guys are all amazing individuals who no one can replace.

Thank you!!!!!!

Book Two shall start in a week!!!

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