Chapter 18- Frella, You Bitch

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8:45 AM-
I feel violated.

The women pushed her hand onto my... area and grabbed.

"Well, that settles it." She said

"I'm male!" I look at her and growl. This women is pissin' me off!

"A male has something there called a **** and you don't. I can also prove your female another way..." she said, winking her eye.

"I. Am. A. Guy. Not. A. Girl." I say.

At this, she just looks at me stupidly. As if i'm a world class idiot.

"Why are you so objected to being a female?" She asked

"I'm a guy. And I want to become a Ranger." I say

"... Whats your name?" she says as she reaches into her robe.


"Kael, Kael... that won't do at all. A girl needs a girls name..." she says.

"I'm not a girl!!-" I started to yell but was vicously slapped across the face by her. A red mark appeared on my face.

"You are, and in my presence when you are around me, if you sprout any of that bullshit of being a boy, I will reprimand you... I suppose I will also need to make you act like one as well... And you dress hideously..." she kept on talking and talking.

But I could not really understand much, I am still trying to figure out why that slap hurt so much... I am stronger then most, and normally am not this sensitive to pain...

"... and as for your name, we can figure that out later." She finished saying.

I just look at her and struggle, attempting to break free.
"I. Need to go save Mira and Master..." I say, but it was meant to be more of a thought, then actually saying it.

I hear rumbling sounds outside near the front of the house.

A man yells from outside "Hey.. Mia! Any trouble in there? We just finished scouting, no signs of anything coming!"


"A servant? How the hell did they get in here..." the man seemed to have walked off.

"... No idea's who those are, lil' one, but for your sake, I am going to inject you with this... and make you look like a servant of mine at least..." Mia pulls out a syringe, with a decently long needle and stabs it into my arm before I could struggle much.

Almost immediately, my body went numb, and Mia had cut down the net, as well as started ripping off my gear.

In the next moment, she is pulling off my pants, and my vision starts to fade off...

8:55 AM-

I am drugged. Nothing much I can do, and as it seems to be I am female... one of the things I was scared to be found out about me. Grandpa raised me as a boy for my sake, and maybs Master went along with it for my sake as well... I always thought that only boys can become Official Rangers, so if Master treated as a boy, then maybe I could become one...

8:57 PM-

Most of my mind won't let me think too much before replaying the scene of this part.

An unknown amount of time passed by, but I started having a dream of her again...

Frella seemed to have been standing inside of a garden, but behind it you saw a beautiful waterfall, which was hitting the rocks just right, and the pond underneath was clear blue, where you could see the bottom of it.

"Kael... you have your secrets, and I have mine. Why did you think only Males could become Wicken?" She asked with a smile

"Because... it was always said that only the strongest men can become Rangers. And to become a Ranger, you must turn either Wicken or Froya"

"But I am female, as are you, and I am a Wicken, but neither of us are Rangers. Please understand, you have it backwards. A a
Wicken IS a clan of Rangers, but a Ranger does not have to be Wicken. By being of one side, you have chosen a clan. After that, only the ceremony will allow you to become an official Ranger, and as it seems... that may be impossible for you." She says.


"Because, you could not protect your Master, nor your friend. You couldn't even realize how weak you are during the day, and got captured. A Ranger, and true member of my clan, should not be this pathetic." She says, but its obvious her grin has for some reason gotten bigger.

"What can I do..." I stutter.

"I got a game! For three years, you will live as a human female servant, under Mia, and learn weakness. If you do so successfully, I will give you something. If not, I will take away something." She says.

"Become a human? And take or give me something?" I said.

"No questions." She barked. I could tell I made her angry.

".. Okay, I will give you something else beforehand so that I can guarantee you at least attempt. Put these wristbands, and collar on." She says, but as this is a dream, obviously it wouldn't carry over, right?

The wristband was actually really pretty, it was white and  had patters of dragons sketched into it, but not of dragons fighting, but rather flying together, under what seemed like a cloud.

"If you disobey or try to take them off..." Frella began "then the wristbands will slowly start to form strings around your body, getting closer to eachother. If the strings grow all the way together, then it will close and you will forever have your hands clasped together like a proper girl. I will then come take you for my collectiob" She said.

Waving to her left, I saw dozens of people, male and female, arms sewn together with white thread, throats wearing the same collar, all unable to do much, but they also all wore maid/butler outfits. Their legs had chains on them, which prevented them from moving very fast or far at all.

"... Why?" I ask

"Obedience!it is the most important aspect of life! Also, if you say something you shouldn't, the collar will tighten around your neck, cutting off speech." She stated quite clearly.

You could see she was happy as hell at these points... her thought process creeped me out.

"Begin! See ya soon!" She yelled

My eyelids closed as she said that.

I prey to god Fate isn't full of this kind of a cruel jokes...

A picture of how I think of Mia at the top...

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