Chapter Twenty-One: Days Gone By

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Somewhere on the outskirts of Mount Grya-

A young girl, in a blue dress with embroidered flowers, was carrying a bucket of something. On the girls neck and arms were matching braclets, white as a cloud. The girl did not look to be more then fourteen, and her hair was blonde and was very, very long. It almost can to her freakin butt. Yet from a single glance it could be seen how much upkeep was done to it. On her neck was a locket, but opening the locket would prove to actually be a pocket watch.

"CAMILLIA!" Another girl yelled from afar. This ones voice could be said to be much older- perhaps early twenties.

"Coming!!" She yelled back.

As the girl started walking forward, she suddenly got dizzy and blacked out.


In her dream, the girl was chained to a wall. Hands high in the air and her legs immovable. Infront of her was someone we know...

"Whats wrong, 'Camillia'?" A voice smerked from inside the dream

"Frella, you bitch. Just give me back my life. I need to help mas-"

Slap! A large red imprint was printed on the girls left cheek.

Slap! A large red imprint was also in the girls right cheek.

"Ever call me that again, and I promise you, pet, I will kill you and your 'master'!!" The voice sounded enraged.

"You already took so much from me, what more do you want?!!" I yelled back.

"I, I took so much from you?" She said "I gave you someone you consider a friend, someone you could connect to.  I let you live the life you should have, and be a true girl. I let you be YOU!" she yelled "... and this is how you thank me? By calling me a bitch and asking what I can take away? Trust me, bitch, I can do SOOO much worse. But I like you, and thus I will forgive you- this once. Keep acting good for another year, and I will give you that 'gift' back." She said, then kissed me on the cheek before dissapearing.

---- Future Kael-
Ahhh yes, so you now have some questions, huh? Yes, I did turn out to be female. Yes, I am 'Camillia' and that is the name Mia gave me. Yes, I still have one year on my 'sentance' and I did become somewhat adjusted to being called female and wearing the clothes- some of the way (will not EVER even to this day wear pink even if I have to. Nor really girly girl clothes unless Mia makes me.) And yes, I do consider Mia more of a... sister then anything else. She treats me as one as well.

I wake up to tears falling down. Mia is infront of me, wearing a dress similar to mine.

"Thank god your okay!" She said "I heard a thump and came immediately, Cam! If I had not insisted you go pick flowers to become more like a real girl... this would not have happened... I am sorry. I will make it up to you soon." She said.

I tried to get up, but fell back down. My leg truly hurt.

"Uhm... Mia...?" I said

"Yes? Anything at all, please ask!" She said, tears still in her eyes.

"... A little help up would be nice..." I said, smiling at her. She truly did try to be good to me, and truly did care about me.

"Yes! Im so sorry!" She said helping me up. "Come on! Lets go back to Castle Baijor (pronounced Baylor) so that you can get some rest and hear your leg... I will have the doctor come look at it..."

"... nonono, its alright, just needs to heal on its own." I said. The doctor in the castle was an old lady, and she was a pervert. Once, when I tried to kill myself after getting back and being in deep depression, she had me tied down and kept rubbing her hands on me, telling me how I would become a "beautiful girl"... then much later on, when I injured my hand shooting arrows ( I am still allowed to train- some of the time) she gave me some medicine that made me pass out, and when I woke up, both my arms were tied down, and "under doctors orders" no one was to come visit me until it healed...

"... fine, but it's on you if it doesn't heal properly." She said

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