33: Risk To Rewards

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---Soon To Be Posted

Dedicated to Nonii01 and Doctorchild

"I already said I would walk this path... so I have no regrets of possibly walking to my death. However I need to know, whats the reward at the end?" I started at her flatly. I knew that regardless of whether I wanted to she did hold my life in her hand, and thus I may as well go along with her plan.

"Of course, you will have many greater abilities, become much stronger than most known, be able to fight on par with even the strongest Wicken and Froya... as well as gain much knowledge into the past and present, more than I know, possibly. Do you remember how you met me at first? It will be a... similar process when you get bitten, you will meet him. Becoming Maelstrome... well, as you know, I am not one. While my father is, he did not impart the knowledge back to me... or rather maybe even he had no idea what would happen, as he was born as a Maelstrome. It can only be left up to fate on what the futute holds for you- benefit to risk, destiny to fate."

"I want to know something." I said

"Hm? What dear?"

"You said Maelstrome can't kill mortals."


"Would I... still be able to get revenge?" I said.

"Yep. Because heres the kicker-no one has ever been TURNED Maelstrome. The curse should only affect those who are born as one." She smirked

"...Alright. Whats the first step to this?" I said, sighing at the chance of death. Of course I took it more seriously then this, but at the moment there was nothing else I could do.

"Be prepared for pain, we shall soon begin." She suddenly got serious, and I noticed the faint change in her voice. It turned out she had some serious stuff in store.

Next chapter will be published at: 1.9k views... the reason im holding off is I plan to write and get a bit ahead till then! :)

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