Chaptet 16: Just Because I Am A...

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7 days later, I arrived at the farm.

-- Future Kael

You may be wondering something... It took me only a couple days before, why so long this time?

Well, thats because I was a tad more busy and more careful this time.

I can't remember if I ever told you this, but, did you know that calling Wicken vampires is not technically wrong?

Whats the difference? One is a semi-mindless monster which kills anyone, and the other is one of a pure mind. A Wicken can drink and eat human food and water, however they would not be as strong as if they drank blood.

A vampire can't drink or eat human food nor water, and can only drink blood.

I am, of course, a Wicken who drinks blood as because it keeps me stronger (over the last few days I adjusted a bit to the taste. I Got like, 3 months worth anyways.)

Now one of the most common differences, and the one which Hunters (vampire hunters, yes, they also kill Wicken.) use to tell the difference between a human and vampire, is by cutting their palm, to lure vampires into attacking.

Another common tactic would be churches. None of the crap you hear about thats supposed to kill us, does, except a deadly blow and/or lack of food.

Why am I telling you this? The reason is very simple. Before we go into all the fun in my journey, I will be blatently honest with ya- I had an encounter with a Vampire Hunter which left a foul taste in my mouth, especially since I was just a kid, and the freaker *due to requests from some royals, and other people who check my work, I shall limit my "foul language" to only a few shits, damns, and others.* anywho *cough* this was the first step of my adventure you can say. Actually, I like that. Lets say this is the first step to it.

Also, why am I adding this in? You will see, young one, you will see.

Future Kael out--

What I saw was very, very cool. The old farm had been built back up- however with a few changes. They ranged from the house itself, which was now made of new, white stone. On the inside was hardwood and freshcut floors, though I will say the inside pissed me off a bit. Will explain why in a moment.

New gates, had been placed, and the barn itself was beautiful. Imagine one of those old movies with horses inside the barns, and how beautiful it was. The only difference was no horses were in here.

The fields, showed it was recently tended to. Im guessing the soldiers planted seeds and followed what I had said. Thats good, though Groya is dead so who will be responsible to make sure it keeps in shape...

Not me, I hope.

Now back to how the house pissed me off. The first thing was the door way. Stabbed into the top by what I assume was a knife were the words "Fuck You". Then was the step after the doorway was a wire. Connected to the wire was a crossbow trigger. Child tricks.

The second I cut the wire, I kept the crossbow though. It was Standard issue to all Knights and Hunters, with Lightweight, meant to travel by horse, compatibility. No extra bolts inside, except the one connected to it.

The next this was the ringing. I DID NOT notice that cutting the wire would cause a bell to sound. Would have been good to know.

Then there is the inside. Rubbed onto a very well-made table was poison. If I was human, touching it would corrode my body and kill me. As a wicken, all it does is basically make the table smell bad.

Finally there was the bed. Had I laid down on it without noticing ALL that, were some knives cut from the bottom matress up. Trying to sleep on it would kill me, almost instantly. Oh, and they were poison tipped.

So, thats why it pissed me off. Don't worry, I will get back at them.

But what happened next, when I was thinking this thought, made me very, very mad.

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