Chapter 13: When The Wolf Howls

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Future Kael:

To clear up some misunderstandings, please note a few things. One, to those who thought I would fight Groya (which I'm sad to say I did not kill him then and there) it was because Mira was in a life-and-death moment, and time was not on her side. The quickest way to go to an agreement was also the only way to save her life. Had I been moments later, well, you will hear what happens.

As for the Ranger Board, this is something which only Meeting places have, and those who are Rangers and Half-step rangers are the only ones allowed to view it. If I viewed it, without Master being there, I would undoubtedly be killed on the spot. In history, there has been only one exception to the rule, and that is the current Grand Master of the Rangers, Jael. Also, I lied, no char biosis

5 AM -

"MASTER!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I have never run this fast, and yesterday, as I could tell that Mira's condition was getting worse. She was paler, though you can tell that she isn't physically in such a bad condition, she was at risk of getting infections which only doctors can take care of, and of course the cuts and bruises on her legs took a toll where every few hours she would wake up screaming, clutching her arm (I could not shake her death grip on it to see what had happened on it), and of course her legs showed no signs of healing- in a way which she could walk again. Left untreated, she truly would die within a few more hours, maybe even minutes.


READY" I heard a reply back from Master. His hearing was terrific, even though we were a couple miles away still, he heard me yell perfectly.

Within 5 minutes I was inside the cabin, and propping Mira in the bed. My stomach ached from not eating food, and of course...

"Alright. Kael, listen closely to my instructions. I will warn you now, she will never walk again. The pin inside of ankle broke before they smashed it with an iron hammer, breaking and fracturing it multiple times over, and finally dislocating it. If you want to save her life, that's the most I can do. Do you understand? As for the injuries on her throat... she may never speak again, properly. Her hands injuries are negligible as they missed everything unimportant, and almost perfectly went through flex only, no major bone damage done, and she may eventually be able to use her hands as well as before.. as, for the cuts on her face and body, they will need to be mended and cleaned almost immediately to prevent infection. With regard to the broken ribs... time will heal them. But above all, that worries me what her arm is clutching. Can you explain the situation to me on what happened?

5:34 PM-

I fully explained everything to Master, even including meeting Groya.

"I know him and his Master... Groya is only a mere fifty years old and he is a Half-Step descendant. Although his talent for training is negligible, he is no easy feat. For you to discuss terms with him mean two things. The first is he recognizes you as someone near his level, and the second thing has to deal with whether Mira will die or not. If when I pull her hand off at full force, I will kill her immediately if I see a wolf skull."

"M-m-master? What are you saying, kill Mira?"

"Understand, Kael, yours and that are different. You're a disciple under the Head of the Wicken, while they are under the Head of the Froya. In the Rangers, you know of the internal discord, correct?"

"What does that have to deal with Mira's life and death!?!" I say as I nod my head. Try not to let my worry get to me, my voice climbing still.

"... If she turns into a Froya without first becoming a descendant, she will be a mindless beast which only kills..."

At this moment, we only hear a low growl rumble from nearby. We both stopped and slowly turned to look behind us...

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