Chapter 7: Weren't We Supposed To Escape?

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As I walked home, to my boring red brick house, with but a couple windows which were seeable from the front, and very miniscule amounts of furniture on the inside, I went up the stairs, slowly walked to my hard wood bed and feel alseep, snuggling up with my woolen blanket.

"You look like shit again." I heard the person next to me say sarcastically.

I smiled.
I loved this house,
and I loved the one next to me.

The first thing Roman did when he saw the men rushing forward actually took a step back, spin 360 degrees around and switched the dagger out for something similar to a long sword, except slightly shorter, and he had one in each hand. As the first wave of attackers came, one of them attempted a downward hack and just in the time he lifted the weapon, Roman was like a ghost and was already past the man, a red slit appearing on his throat, then blood gushed out.

Two Knights rushed at Roman, one from the left, one from the right. His first instinct was to try to get out of the way... only to find that the only way out was straight. With a flick of his hands, the knight's arms came sliding off. The next flick slaughtered them.

He moved with incredible speed, not hesitating in the slightest to appear before Rzelian in a heartbeat both swords at his throat. The kicker was Rzelian also had his weapon drawn and under the arm of Roman.

Apparently, he planned on having Roman pay a price in order to kill him.

At this time I, while watching, had grabbed a big sword-thingy. Later learning its called a great sword. While I could barely pick it up, let alone use it to help, I could definitely drop it on someone's feet in order to end this deadlock. The sword itself was long as the metal was a silver and the sun reflected off it. I could see part of my reflection on it as the handle was just as wide but the color darker and it was encrusted with jewels with a signature on it from someone that I did not know.

5:41 PM -

I did something mischevious to help Roman.

I dropped it on Rzelians foot, the sword going clean through his foot, breaking the metal of his boot and slicing in through the polished floor. Thus making him lower his weapon for a second, giving Roman enough time to kill him, and the Nun had enough time to hide her laughter in between acting like she killed the man.

"Great timing, kid. You're a natural. But if you ever do something like that again- I swear to god I'm going to kill you. You know, most people don't lower their weapons, nor disregard someone in a fight, regardless of age." Roman said.

"Well, you were taking too long, and I thought we were supposed to be escaping, but noooo~ you had to play with your friend. As punishment, I'm keeping this" I said with great difficulty, the freaking thing was almost twice my length, and definitely as much as I weighed at least (later learning it was 63 pounds)

"Sure, if you can carry it out as we leave!" He said, walking toward a back door. On the way, he picked up Mira and then winked at the nun, who covered her mouth and walked out.

5:44 PM-

I learned you have to go sideways to get out of doors with this thing. Try to carry it horizontally and when you're trying to walk out, you get stuck. It knocks you on your bum, and believe me, that's no good feeling.

Like that, we walked out, and during the time I really looked at what had happened. I understood why the guys went sideways, but I don't know why Roman ran straight instead of at one of them.



"Why did you run straight instead of at one of them?"

"Sweet god you noticed something, and it made you think... I thought you talked without thinking all the time. I did it in order to stop them. Life lesson never show your back to an enemy, and never, ever, be the one who lets them do what they want. C'mon' we got a lot of walking to do. Tomorrow you start hellishly training."

At these words, I understood what he said. I was somewhat excited but also questioning the words 'hellishly training.' That didn't sound like much fun.

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