Chapter 35

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"There comes a time," the figure started saying "when death is but an irrational fear, one which everybody feels, one which everyone, including us, must face one day. Yet, you choose the path, which instead of trying to escape death, you choose to run toward it. Why?"

A figure, off in the distance of the pitch black void, stared at the figure with eyes which said nothing, a face that let off nothing, a look, which gave away nothing.

"What I persue, is nothing much." it said in a voice the same as mine.
"All I would like is to protect those I love, to help those I can. Protecting the innocent? Saving lives? To me, that means nothing. To me protecting my friends, my family, is much more important."

"Yet, you run to a path where essentially only death is a plausible outcome, for such a want?"

"Want? Thats something that comes after you are able to do what you NEED to do. This is something I need to do. Not just 'want' to do."

"My sister, may she feel pain worse then dying, once heard me say those words, and passed them off as nothing. Hmph, I give my consent to you, to become a Froya, and grant you the power. Frankly, I feel this may... balance out the scales, if you are able to grow."

"Balance out the scales?"

"For now, your unqualified to know. Become a Maelstrome, and then you may learn the full truth. Good luck... the easy parts are done."

On the outside world, but a few moments had passed. But in those moments, I was dead. However, my heart started beating. Faster. Faster. Faster. And even faster. So fast, so hard, that they forced open my eyes, and I saw a whole new beginning. A whole new start.

 The Rangers Descendant Book One: Destiny [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now