The dragon made a slow descent, its lungs filling with air, and Jarvan was quick to act as he grabbed the girl's hand and retreated into the dense vegetation. It was too late; flames engulfed the terrain, fire spreading quickly to the surrounding area. His golden armor could withstand a certain heat, but a dragon's fire would be pushing the limit. As they emerged from the tree line and back onto the beaten path, a shadow loomed over them, the dragon appearing from above the canopy, a bolt of fire heading in their direction.

Shyvana transformed, shielding the prince with her body as her scales absorbed part of the impact, but being a half-breed had its drawbacks, and Shyvana collapsed, steam escaping from below her scales. Jarvan grabbed his lance, and as the dragon came charging he hurled it with inhumane strength, and the dragon whined as the sharp head pierced through its wing, but it was not nearly enough to force the dragon to the ground.

Unable to keep her dragon form much longer, Shyvana transformed back, struggling to get on her knees as she groaned, her body still hot from the flames. The dragon retreated further up into the sky, and Jarvan checked up on the half-breed, he pressed a hand to her forehead and recoiled slightly, she was burning up. He knew he was asking a lot of her, but if he didn't clip one of the dragon's wings, neither of them would make it out alive.

"Shyvana, I need you to transform again, alright? Can you do that for me?" The girl let out a huff of air, her breath hot against the cool breeze and sucking in a deep breath, she closed her eyes, concentrating. Jarvan backed up as she transformed, towering over the prince with her sheer size. She was no match for the dragon up above, considering it had taken her father's life, but she was still a force to be reckoned with. "Launch me," he ordered.


"Do it!" She didn't need to be told twice and taking hold of the prince's torso, she spun around quickly and sent him bolting towards the dragon. The dragon was not fast enough to escape, and Jarvan took hold on the beast's wing, driving his lance into the dragon's flesh. With a battle cry, Jarvan drove his lance down the dragon's side, severing its wing as he fell. Shyvana caught him before he could hit the ground, and he patted her nostril, wordlessly praising her.

The dragon plummeted into the forest, unable to keep its balance mid-air. However, the creature was enraged, and trees parted a path for him as the dragon came crashing through the forest, spewing fire at anything that moved. Shyvana shielded Jarvan, and with a final breath, she fired back at the dragon. Her fire was ineffective as the dragon turned slightly, his scales absorbing the heat, but what he hadn't expected was the Demacian prince, quick on his feet, his armor beginning to melt off, and with a sharp thrust, the prince broke through the dragon's scale, lance lodged in its heart.

The dragon collapsed on its side, and Jarvan staggered back as he hastened to remove his armor. However, Shyvana was his foremost concern as soon as he was finished. She was out cold, her body releasing an inhumane amount of heat. Jarvan found his cape, tattered and beaten, but it would have to do. He wrapped Shyvana in the material and lifted her into his arms, walking along the dirt road, eventually finding his steed waiting patiently by the tree he had secured him to.

He kept her concealed as he entered Demacia, her cheek resting on his shoulder. Garen stood waiting by the stables, Lux beside him as they greeted their prince. "How was your patrol?" Garen asked he had other more pressing questions at hand, like his armor, or the girl in his arms, but he knew better than to ask.

"Tiring," he sighed, dismounting his horse as he readjusted Shyvana on his arm. Lux didn't hold the same restraint as her brother did, however, and she barraged the poor prince with endless questions. She did earn a chuckle out of prince though, but he shook his head, resting a hand on her shoulder. "I'll fill you two in later, alright?" Garen gave a curt nod, and Lux beamed with a giddy smile as the prince walked away.

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