Chapter One {Revised}

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In my young life, I have come to accept at least five things as fact. Things I know to be absolutely certain. Fact: I am a princess. Fact: The people that raised me are not my real parents. Fact: My biological mother gave me up shortly after I was born. Fact: My biological parents are dead. Fact: I am engaged to a prince.

Who is Juliana Clairborne? It's simple, really. She is a princess, an orphan, abandoned, adopted, and betrothed.

No. Surely, I have to be more than just facts. I refuse to believe that I am just five things that can be written on a page. I certainly have more depth than that. Somehow in my journey toward adulthood, I had crumpled myself up until there was nothing left but five measly pieces.

No, I am more than I list.

This is my story.



"Your Highness," I hear a voice say attempting to wake me from my slumber. "Your Highness, the queen has requested your presence in the dining hall."

I quickly realize that the voice is from one of my maids that tend to my well-being.

"Is it absolutely urgent?" I sleepily ask. It cannot be any later than seven AM.

"Why yes, your Highness. Her Majesty wishes to share some important news with you."

I hold in a sigh as I groggily untangle myself from my duvet with the insisted help of my maid.

"Thank you, Lana, but it is not needed. Will you run my bath, please?" I ask her.

"Princess, I would, but there is absolutely no time. The queen says the business is of the utmost pertinence."

At this, I cannot hold back my sigh.

"All right. Thank you, Lana. That'll be all."

Lana offers a quick bow before descending from my chamber. I walk up to the mirror and reluctantly deem myself presentable. I smooth over my nightgown and subdue my unruly hair into a ponytail. Surely the queen will understand my attire, a direct result of the awakening that she is responsible for. I hurriedly sprint down each hall of the palace, almost knocking over the guard that stands watch in front of my chamber. I pave my way through a long, grand staircase where the queen is waiting at the foot with a very stern look on her face.

"Juliana, dear, you look absolutely dreadful!" The queen shakes her head with disapproval.

"Well Mother, what did you expect? I had a pretty rude awakening."

I am well aware that I don't look very presentable, according to the queen, but I didn't think that she would expect any more than this, considering the time.

"Juliana, you must learn. When you become queen, you will need to be up much earlier than this and you must this," she reprimands, surveying me with dismay. I look down. "Darling, there is a certain way that a princess must carry herself. I just want you to understand that, okay?"

"Yes, Mother. I'll go change." I relent with a sigh.

"There is no time," the queen sighs as she urges me to descend the rest of the stairs. "Our new guest is already in the dining hall."

"Guest? What guest?" I ask, confused.

"You'll see," the queen assures me.

The queen ushers away from the foot of the stairs, down the main hall, and towards the dining hall. When we arrive, sitting at the long table is a young woman with long, red hair cascading down her back in soft waves. Her eyes are wide and round as if she is ready to take in all the world has to offer her. And then I realize that she is heavy with child. Her porcelain hands are covered protectively over her swollen belly.

Royale (Book #1 Royale Series) {Under Revision}Where stories live. Discover now