When I walk in Kole's putting on lotion and rubbing cocoa butter on her stomach, her eyes widen when she spots Blue and she squeals making me cover my ear and let her down.

"You got me a puppy? But why?" She starts to cry and I roll my eyes handing her the dog. All these mood swings and all the crying and shit that's about to start happening is not going to work for me. I watch as she plays with Blue but little does she know that, that little thing lazy as hell and m!ran as fuck.

"Did you name her already?" I nod

"I named her Blue." She smiles and cradles the dog. Blue licks her face hapilly before Kole places her down and she snuggles beside Kole protectively while she finishes getting dressed in her pj's.

We both settle onto the bed and I pull up Netflix on the TV while she cuddles up to me and Blue lays at the bottom of the bed all curled up. I chose CHILDS PLAY, that chucky movie and press play only because its Kole's favorite scary movie. I run my fingers through her wet hair and stare at her for a while as I watch her struggle to keep her eyes open.

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