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Hey, make sure and read the author's note below when you're finished with this chapter!  :)

BTS' comeback season was upon them. Three weeks of music show promotions, variety show appearances, and photo shoots for interviews for weeks after promotions were over. Multiple fansign events were held and the boys grew more weary as time went on. However, there was no time for real rest.

After all, they had a world tour coming up.

Dates had been set and shows added. Tickets sold out in mere single digit minutes and resales of tickets the purchaser could not use soared into the thousands of dollars.

In other words, BTS was hitting it big. Riding high on the Hallyu Wave.

They were in high demand.  Everyone wanted a piece of Bangtan no matter how small it might be. 

A quick interview here.  A brief cameo appearance here. 

It was never enough to satiate the screaming public. 

All the while, the boys kept a wide smile on.  After all, they were doing what they loved.   Even if it was exhausting at times.

* * *

By the middle of July BTS found themselves touring State side.  The jet lag was awful for the first show but soon they adjusted.  Or rather,  they adjusted after a week or so of bloodshot eyes and questions like, "Where are we again?" and "Isn't it time for bed?  I just want to sleep." 

It was rough but rewarding.

"Tae, wake up."



Taehyung's head bobbed silently, his eyes closed and mouth hanging slightly open.  He had long drifted away from the beautiful voice on the other side of his phone screen.  His ears refused to hear anything at this point.

Megan shook her head and smiled.  She wasn't going to complain too much.  After all, he was trying his hardest to carve out little chunks of time for her when he could.  They had messaged back and forth sometimes and on rare occasions he would video chat with her.  But this was how it usually went.  She would be so excited to talk to him, that he would end up just listening to her.  Eventually she would see his head start to sway and his eyes start to do the slow blink.  Soon they wouldn't open at all and he would be sleeping soundly in a matter of seconds. 

She watched as his long dark eyelashes fluttered slightly against his cheeks as his eyes moved underneath.  She longed to reach out and just stroke his hair or face.  Sometimes she hated being locked behind a screen. 

Megan contemplated hanging up but she saw movement behind her love and a smiling Jimin leaned down to look into the camera.

"Hey, Megan!"  He smiled widely and waved.  He looked tired but at least he was awake.

"Jimin!  Hey!  How are you?"

"Doing better than lover boy here," he said, giggling and casting an amused look at the sleeping idol in the chair.  "Want me to wake him up for you?" 

Megan grinned but shook her head. "No.  Let the poor dear sleep.  I will talk to him later."

"Are you sure?  He's pretty cute when he gets woken up."  Jimin giggled softly and softly poked Taehyung's bottom lip, making it bounce back up a bit. 

Taehyung frowned and groaned a bit, shifting his position and bringing his arms up out of his lap and folding them across his chest.

"Jimin, don't!" laughed Megan, speaking in a loud whisper.

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