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Megan laid over the counter, puffing some air up through her bangs.  Her lips stayed pouted as she mindlessly flipped through the pages of the sign-out book.  "Hyejiiiiiiiiiiiiin," she whined, "why haven't they come?"  She slowly rolled her eyes over to the woman who was cheerfully dusting shelves for the third time today.  "How can you do that all the time and do it with a smile?"  Megan frowned and went back to flipping pages.

Hyejin giggled at her pitiful friend.  "I guess I just enjoy cleaning?  Also, I don't know why you keep expecting them to come back so soon.  They're celebrities, Megan, they have schedules."

"Oooo look who's using entertainment business lingo." Megan's mouth curled into a smirk as she scoffed. "Schedules." 

Hyejin grinned at her friend and continued to run the feather duster along the pristine shelves.  "You're such a sasaeng," she sang out as she waved the duster in the air, walking away to the far corner of the shop.

Megan popped up off the counter and stared at her friend in disbelief.  "What did you just call me?!  I'll have you know I find that offensive!" 

Hyejin laughed and gently pushed some books back into place.  "I'm sure they'll be back soon.  They have my book and Namjoon promised to bring it back.  Plus, it ends in a cliff hanger so I'm expecting desperate pleas for the next one.  Which, I think is still checked out by that boy, Seo Jin. I wonder if he's finished it yet." Her words trailed off as her thoughts wandered aimlessly.

The door bell jingled and a gust of air spread through the shop. Megan immediately squealed and covered her mouth with her hands. Hyejin jerked around and then relaxed as she saw two familiar faces. "Namjoon-ah! Taehyung-ssi! Welcome back!" She smiled warmly at the two men who walked in. She turned to her friend who was star struck as always. "Megan was just wishing you two would show up!" She laughed as her friend stared at her in horror, her face cycling through a few dozen shades of pink and red.

"Oh really? Looks like I stayed away just long enough for you to miss me," crooned Taehyung as he strolled over to the counter, smiling at the dumbfounded girl.

"H-h-hi Taehyung," she stammered with a nervous smile. She wasn't exactly nervous about seeing him again but it was shocking to her inner fangirl every time he would first appear. She knew in a few minutes she would be okay. She took a few deep breaths and tried to calm her nerves down.

Taehyung watched her with an amused smile. "Come on, Megan, you shouldn't be nervous still." He giggled as her face grimaced.

"I'm not nervous," she piped.

"Yeah, Taehyung-ssi, I don't think she's nervous. More like she's trying to keep her raging inner fangirl under control so you won't find out she's really a sasaeng." Hyejin laughed as Megan gaped at her again. "I'm teasing. She's normal. I think..." Hyejin giggled as Megan sputtered and pointed a finger at her.

"Hyejin! Just wait till you go to sleep tonight." Megan turned her scowl into a sweet smile as she turned to Taehyung. "How have you been?"

"Good. A bit lonely though."

"Oh? That's sad. Why?" Megan figured if he was going to shamelessly flirt she would just return the favor.

"I just really wanted to see you again before you went back home." Taehyung pretended to pout.

"Aw, well, I found a new manga you might like. Care to join me in the manga corner?"

Taehyung grinned widely and nodded. "I thought you would never ask."

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