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Hyejin walked back into the seating area with a cup of tea for each of them and sat down on the small sofa.

"It's decaffienated. So it won't keep you up once you get home." She smiled and looked down into the swirling light brown liquid in her cup. She was nervous. It was one thing to be alone with him in a park or at the book shop but it was an entirely different thing to be alone in her apartment.

"Thanks for letting me come in," he said softly, sipping from his own cup and then setting it down on the coffee table. He turned sideways and rested one arm on the back of the sofa, head resting on his hand. He studied her side profile and took a small bit of enjoyment in knowing his scrutinizing gaze was making her nervous and flushed.

"Do I make you nervous?" he asked.

"N-n-no." She took a gulp of the hot liquid in her cup and winced as it burned her mouth.

Namjoon chuckled. "Why are you so nervous? We've been together alone before and you were fine. Wait...are you thinking something dirty? Lee Hyejin! I'm shocked!" He covered his mouth in mock astonishment and began to laugh as she quickly turned to him and tried to protest his claim.

"I'm not! Really!"

He gave her a skeptical look and a smirk.

Hyejin groaned and set her cup down. "Alright. Maybe a little," she mumbled.

Namjoon's head went back and he laughed loudly this time. "Lee Hyejin, you're amazing. But don't worry. I might look but I won't touch. I respect you too much for that." He smiled warmly and she felt better and more at ease.

"Well, just so you know, I won't touch either." She knew she sounded almost childish but she brushed off the cringe feeling she was experiencing and decided to just be a responsible adult about this whole situation. What was she thinking inviting him into her apartment anyway? Hadn't they talked enough at the park AND on the ride home? However, he had asked and she quickly agreed. Now she was regretting it because her nerves were all standing on end, shaking with every move he would make.

"Well, know that we've got that out of the way, we can both relax and enjoy a nice chat." He grinned and picked up a cup again.

"Did you want to talk about something? I mean, isn't that why you asked to come in?" She hated that her voice sounded nervous. This really was ridiculous how she was feeling right now.

"Maybe I just wanted to spend some time with you," he murmured. "I haven't been able to see you a lot lately and I'm actually glad I ran into you at the bowling alley and then again at the park. I think I've been having Hyejin withdrawals." He grinned and placed his cup back on the table, now empty.

Hyejin noticed and jumped up to get him a refill. His hand grabbed her arm and she paused to look at him. "You don't want a refill?"

He grinned and shook his head in the negative. "No. Just sit down. Be with me. That's all I want. I've missed you." He tugged her down gently so she was now seated right next to him. "Now just relax. Okay?"

She nodded and smiled. "Alright, Mr. RM. Tell me exactly what you've been up to lately and why you haven't been answering my messages?" She tried to give him a firm scowl but ended up just giggling.

"I'll have you know, Miss Librarian Lady, I've been busy dancing and rapping and singing. Lots of all of that. You would know if you had been watching our comeback broadcasts." He raised his eyebrows and snapped his fingers.

Hyejin laughed and leaned back into her seat. "You're right. Guilty as charged. But in my defense, there are no TV's at my shop and we also don't have Internet. So I would be using all my data."

"I'll buy you a TV. You better not miss any more of our shows." He poked her forehead and allowed his hand to travel down her cheeks in a soft caress.

"I thought you weren't going to touch," she said softly, loving the feel of his hand on her face.

"I didn't hear you bringing up the rules when I grabbed your wrist earlier," he said smugly.

"Touché again," she giggled, reaching up and taking his hand in her own. "Where are we going with this?"

"With what?"

"This. Us. Whatever this relationship we have is." Hyejin sat up and held his hand in her lap. Frankly, she didn't want to let him go.

"Us? I thought we were dating?" Namjoon looked a bit confused at her question.

"I guess we sort of are." She smiled down at his hand.

"Hyejin, look up at me," he said softly, using his finger to push her chin up gently. "In my line of work, these kinds of things must move very slowly. To be honest, fans need time to adjust. They have to become accepting if we are to ever have any peace. That kind of acceptance only comes with time and good PR. Trust me." He watched her face and saw she was processing the things he had said. "But that doesn't mean I don't want us to ever move forward," he said, zeroing in on her lips unintentionally.

"You do want us to move forward?"

"Uh huh," he mumbled, leaning closer. "Hyejin, I think I don't want to follow that rule anymore," he murmured, his lips coming ever closer to hers.

Hyejin finally registered what he meant and as he closed his eyes, she backed away. "That's enough of that," she giggled as she watched him hang the kiss in midair.

Namjoon grinned and wiggled his eyebrows. "It was worth a shot!" He sighed and stood up. "I think I need to go. This was nice though. I don't now when we'll be able to do it again so I'm glad we had some extra time together." He leaned down and took her hand, pulling her up to him. "Thank you for the tea and the lovely conversation." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"You're welcome." She smiled up at him and received a gentle kiss in return. He pulled away and rested forehead against hers and smiled.

"I'm happy," he said simply. "Watch our show tonight, okay? I'll be sending you a message. Know that it's meant for only you, okay?" He grinned and gave her one last kiss on the forehead before letting her go and walking over to the entry way to slip on his shoes. With one last look back, he smiled and waved as he walked quickly out the door.

Hyejin brought her hands to her face and felt the warmth slowly leaving them. She was excited to spend so much time with him since they had been so apart lately. It was a rare pleasure and she wanted to hang on to every moment she could.

Little did they know it would be the last time they would see each other for a very long while.

* * *

AN: Why such a short chapter? Because I think the next will be our last. Or at the very least our next to last. We will soon have to part ways with our friends. Questions from you though that you would like to see answered in the final chapter just in case I miss some and you'll die if you don't know the answer to it? I want to give you all a good final chapter with everything answered as best as possible, so if there's something you'd like to know (even though I don't think I have any loose ends but maybe I do) please comment and I will make sure it's answered in the final chapter.

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