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"Are you with Tae?"

Jimin read the text on his phone. He glanced over at the boy laying on the bed, curled up and scowling in his sleep. He smiled softly and looked back at the phone.

"Yeah. He's sleeping though."

Yoong: "I'll be there in a few. I need to talk to him."

Jimin sighed. Taehyung had fallen asleep while struggling to come to terms with the current situation. He had exhausted himself. Jimin hated to see him woken up, but he knew Yoongi was trying to make things right with the boy.

"I hate to see him woke up, but I know you need to talk to him and he needs to hear what you have to say. Want me to stick around?"

Yoongi: "No. I can handle him."

Jimin stuffed his phone into his pocket. He walked over to Taehyung's bedside and adjusted the fuzzy blanket covering his friend. Gently brushing some of the hair out of the sleeping boy's eyes, he straightened up and turned on the lamp next to the bed. He hoped this would all be cleared up soon so things could go back to normal. He hated confrontation and tension as much as Taehyung. The difference was he didn't try to act out and fix it all. His approach was to just let the problems work themselves out on their own. Apparently neither method worked in this case.

He walked to the bedroom door and opened it to find Yoongi panting on the other side of it. His eyes widened in shock as Yoongi propped himself up by one arm on the door frame.

"Scoot, Mini," said Yoongi breathlessly.

"Hyung, did you actually run home?" Jimin tried not to laugh knowing now was not a good time to make a joke.

Yoongi glared at him and wiped his forehead. He shoved past Jimin and stood in the middle of the room waiting for Jimin to leave.

Jimin looked at the pair for just a moment before walking out of the room.

Yoongi heard the door shut and he stared at the sleeping boy for a while. Taehyung really held deep feelings for the group as a whole. Those feelings were always most evident any time there was a problem. He would rush around trying to make sure everyone was okay and happy. He always helped set the mood. It was always a tragic thing to see him upset or sad because that just wasn't part of his nature.

Yoongi slowly sat down on the edge of the bed and sighed, intertwining his fingers together in his lap. He turned slightly and elbowed the boy in the hip. "Tae Tae-ah," he said softly. He didn't want to scare the boy awake but it was becoming increasingly evident it might take a bit more force to wake him. "Taehyung-ah," he said a bit more loudly.

The blanket moved a little. "What is it, hyung," said Taehyung, his voice husky with sleep.

"I need to talk to you." Yoongi watched him having an internal struggle, probably about whether it was worth it to get up or not.

A deep frown was etched onto Taehyung's face. "If you keep frowning like that, I'll feel obligated to pay for the Botox to get rid of the deep wrinkles you'll end up with," said Yoongi sarcastically.

The blanket shifted a bit more. Taehyung slowly sat up and propped himself up against the wall. His eyes stayed lowered and he pulled his knees up to his chest. Some of his hair was stuck up and Yoongi instinctively reached up to smooth it down. He stopped short when Taehyung jerked his head to the side to avoid being touched by the other man.

Yoongi sighed and dropped his hand. "I get it. I totally get it, Tae. I messed up. I was trying to help, but in the end I only messed things up pretty bad."

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