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AN: How's everyone doing? How's the story so far? Sorry to bring a splash of drama but I did promise my NEXT book would be fluff. That means this one is a free for all. Haha! Kidding...sort of. ;) I'm not sure I know how to write fluff...this next book will require much thought. Lol

Namjoon looked up at Jungkook and a confused expression spread across his face. "Here? In this shop?"

Jungkook nodded and kept looking around in case someone else showed up. He reminded Namjoon of a nervous cat.

"Okay. Let's think about this rationally. So she was a crazy fan. She snapped some pictures of Hyejin and wants to post them. Okay." He sighed lightly. "Okay."

Namjoon picked up his phone. He hesitantly typed in a message and pressed send. A few moments later his phone buzzed and he picked it up and read the response. He closed the messages and handed the phone to Jungkook who looked down at it and then back up to Namjoon, silent questions flittering across his face.

"Do me a favor and if Hyejin will comply, take a photo of us. Please?" He stared into Jungkook's eyes, silently begging him to help.

"Alright, hyung. I'll do what you ask." Jungkook looked around and saw Hyejin making her way back. She looked a little flustered and he didn't know why but at least she was smiling.

"Noona! Just in time." He grinned at her as she approached the corner.

Namjoon slowly stood and motioned for her to come closer. "Hyejin, I have a favor to ask. Will you help me?"

Hyejin studied his face and could tell something was wrong but she nodded anyway. "Sure, Joon-ah, I'll help you with anything. Just tell me what it is."

"Take a picture with me? Please?" He smiled hopefully at her. He became momentarily mesmerized by her face for a moment. Her eyes were so clear. Her skin looked soft. He thought it might just feel like rose petals if he ever got the chance to touch it.

"A picture?" Her hand instinctively went to her hair, smoothing down imaginary fly aways. "Wait, are you going to be posting this picture," she said, a tiny trickle of fear starting to show in her voice.

"Yes," nodded Namjoon. He put his hands on her shoulders, causing her to look down at his hands. "Hyejin, I need to talk to you." He proceeded with the sasaeng story and her eyes grew even more wide with anxiety and fear.

"Listen to me, Hyejin, if I don't do something proactive, they'll spread your face all over the world. People will show up here just to confirm we are friends. If I post a picture of us together then no one has a reason to bother you like that." He sighed and reluctantly removed his hands. He looked away and frowned. "There's one condition though."

A pair of rough hands reached between them and flung Namjoon's hands back away from Hyejin's shoulders. 

"Don't touch her."  Jinyoung's face suddenly appeared between them and his glaring eyes were locked on Namjoon.  "I heard your stupid story just now."

"Jinyoung-hyung, calm down.  Just listen-" Jungkook quickly stopped talking when Jinyoung's fiery gaze became locked on him.

"I told you we aren't that close," he growled through gritted teeth.  "I'm not going to stand by and let Hyejin become a part of this ridiculous world you live in more than she already is.  You're putting her in danger just by being here.  Inconsiderate fools.  Now you want to use her as your scape goat?  You put her face out there she's as good as gone!  It's like you don't think of her at all!"

"We are thinking of her," protested Namjoon.  "That girl had pictures of Hyejin she's going to post unless we post one first and take away their motive for posting!  We have to beat them to the punch and take the wind out of their sails!  Who knows what else they have planned?"  He stared intently at the angry man in front of him.  His blood was boiling and he had to clench his fists to keep them from flying up and right into that filthy mouth of Jinyoung's. 

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