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Taehyung cycled through sitting on the couch, pacing around the room, and laying on the floor.  He couldn't relax.  He was worried.  Everyone was worried. 

"Tae Tae, calm down.  You aren't helping anyone by doing all this fidgeting.  All you're doing is rubbing in the fact that you can walk and I can't.  Rude."  Jimin pretended to pout, trying to get Taehyung's mind off of Hyejin's disappearance. 

Taehyung chewed on his bottom lip and paced back and forth.  He seemed to have checked out completely. 

Jimin looked at Taehyung worriedly and then over to Jungkook, who was seated beside him.  "We have to do something," he muttered.

The maknae nodded and watched his friend pace the room.  He was just as worried as Taehyung but the elder boy was doing enough senseless worrying for all of them.  He rubbed his gritty eyes and slowly stood up.  He walked up to Taehyung who was coming towards him, staring at the floor.  The frown on Taehyung's face was deep and painful looking.  He was obviously angry on top of being worried. 

Taehyung ran smack dab into a pair of strong hands that were now gripping his shoulders.  He lifted his red eyes to find the red eyes of the maknae staring back at him.

"Hyung," said Jungkook wearily, "you need to stop before you hurt yourself.  Let's all try to rest so we can help if they need us, hm?"

Taehyung blinked back a few tears and licked his lips nervously.  "I...I can't rest, Kookie.  She's Megan's best friend.  She's Namjoon's girl.  I even consider her to be my friend.  She's...she's done nothing to anyone."  His voice dropped to a whisper and he blinked rapidly, trying to control his tears.  "She doesn't deserve this."

Jungkook swallowed back his own tears and grabbed Taehyung's face between his hands.  He brought his forehead down to meet Taehyung's and sighed.  "Hyung, the police are looking for her.    Jin even messaged and said they might have a promising lead.  She will come home.  Please, just sit down and rest.  We've all been up all night and we need some rest."  He happened to look down noticing Taehyung's trembling hands.  He reached down and took them in his own, squeezing them tightly.  "Hyung, please," he whispered, his voice cracking. 

"Jungkook-ah, I'm...I'm...I'm scared for Megan."  He turned his head away and closed his eyes tightly.

"What?  Why?" 

"What if something like this were to happen to her?"  Taehyung turned his glassy eyes back to Jungkook who sighed and smiled.

"Hyung, I'm sure this is a fluke thing.  But I think the bigger question here, is why would something like this happen to her?  Is there something you would like to share?"

Jimin grinned and shook his head.  "I think our Tae Tae has...hm...a crush?"  He winked slyly at Taehyung who simply blushed and looked at the floor.

"Maybe I do," he whispered, "but I can't ever tell her."

Silence fell over the trio and Jimin and Jungkook felt bad for teasing their tormented friend.

"Why not?" asked Jungkook softly.

"Because she could end up missing, like Hyejin-noona."

Taehyung looked up at the ceiling and tears trickled from his eyes. "I don't want to put her in that kind of danger."

Jimin knew it was the exhaustion talking. Taehyung hadn't slept at all. He was emotional because of what was going on and if he were well rested at this moment, he would be perhaps a bit more positive. He looked over at Taehyung's phone that was laying next to him on the couch. He picked it up and waved it at Taehyung. "Call her."

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