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The next day Hyejin was released by her doctors and given the all clear to go home, which she did.

After a few days of rest, she found herself standing in the middle of her shop on a Friday, as workers packed in box after box of books from Mr. Oh's shop. She smelled the musty smell coming from the boxes and it thrilled her heart. This shop had smelled of fresh paint for far too long. It was time to get things back to normal around here.

"Just for the record, I think you're incredibly weird for liking that smell," mumbled Megan who was standing next to her.

"She's not weird. I love it. It's the smell of knowledge and adventure," grinned Namjoon as he scooted out of the way of a worker with a dolly loaded with four large boxes.

Megan sniffed and crinkled her nose, then she looked around. "Hyejin, this is a TON of books."

Hyejin's eyes scanned the shop and she began to feel a bit bewildered at the amount of work staring her in the face. She was doing much better physically but this would take a huge toll on her stamina. "I know..." She rested her palm on her forehead and sighed.

A few more workers walked in laden down with boxes. They set them in the middle of the floor and dusted off their hands.

"I don't know what you're worried about seeing as we're all here to help." A grinning Taehyung now stood in front of them, along with Jin, Yoongi, J-Hope, and Jungkook.

"Actually, I'm just here to supervise and quite possibly hinder the work," grinned Jimin, rolling in behind them in his wheelchair.

"Oh, wow," laughed Namjoon. "You didn't tell me you guys were coming."

"And ruin the surprise?" J-Hope shook his head and frowned. "No, no, no. That's very no fun."

Everyone laughed as he made fun of himself.

Hyejin couldn't help but notice Taehyung and Megan. They had eyes only for each other and it made her happy. She wanted her friend to be happy and Taehyung really deserved someone who could accept him as he was.

"Um, Megan, maybe you and Taehyung could take these boxes over there and start sorting them into groups."

Megan grinned and Taehyung wasted no time grabbing a few boxes and hauling them over to a corner away from everyone else.  The pair soon were off in their own little world and everyone was happy to leave them there.

"Well, everyone, may as well grab a box and let's get started! I see Mr. Oh labeled them for us so this should be relatively simple."

The boys all stared at the massive quantity of boxes and Jungkook ran a hand through his hair, with a deep sigh. "This is...so much, noona. Can we even finish this in a day?"

"I doubt it, but I am really grateful for any help you guys give me." Hyejin smiled warmly and everyone felt energized to get as much done as they could.

* * *

Taehyung slid the blade of a box knife over the packing tape holding the box closed. He lifted the flaps and slid the box towards Megan who began to pull books from it and made a neat stack beside her.

"Have you told them yet?" asked Megan softly, slowly pulling a few more books out of the box.

"That I asked you to be my girlfriend? No, but I'm sure they can tell something is up," grinned Taehyung proudly.

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