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Hyejin woke the next morning to find a small fruit basket and a note laying next to her bed.  She's uncurled her body and sat up on the edge of the bed.  She took the note in her hand and opened it, her still sleepy eyes slowly scanning the words.  She blushed and smiled at it's contents.

"Hyejin, I left last night after you slept.  Can I just say you're beautiful when you sleep?  You're prettiest when you are smiling and laughing, but when you're sleeping...ahh...my heart just...Um...you've made me speechless.  This never happens.  I don't know what to say now.  I could have just wrote nothing.  Why am I writing this?  Anyway, rest up.  I'll meet you at the shop later, okay?  Love you!  - Joon"

Hyejin's face hurt from smiling so widely.  She laid the note aside and went to the bathroom to wash up for the day.  She still couldn't take a shower till the wound healed.  The doctors had had to use stitches instead of skin glue because of the depth and location of the wound.  They had apologized profusely before releasing her from the hospital. 

She removed the bandage and stared at the gash in the mirror.  She absentmindedly traced her finger down it.  It stretched from one shoulder and down a bit, almost to the other shoulder.   It still stung and ached occasionally, depending on her movement.  Namjoon hadn't seen it, of course.  He had been so accepting of something he had never seen and she had a hard time understanding that. 

Would he really want her if she was so scarred?  Maybe he wouldn't really care, but would he be able to forget who had given this scar to her? Would he be able to forgive and move on? 

She sighed and placed a fresh stripe of medicated ointment across the angry red line.  Her face cringed as she rubbed the ointment in slightly.  After placing a fresh strip of gauze across the wound, she managed to get her hair and body washed and ready for the day. 

She tried to push the ugly thoughts out of her head and grabbed an orange from the basket of fruit he had left for her.  Her mind was running wild and as she sunk her teeth into the juicy flesh of the orange, she felt herself becoming more and more discouraged.

* * *

Several weeks passed and Taehyung was now pushing Jimin's wheelchair into the hospital for what would hopefully his final visit. 

"I can't believe I'm finally back here," mumbled Jimin.  He was excited to get good news.  He was desperate to lose the shell and the cast, but mostly the cast.  It felt like a thousand mosquitos had gotten down in there and had a feast, leaving him with a million itchy spots.  It had been driving him crazy as of late.  The best news he had received in forever was when their manager reminded him of his visit with the orthopedic doctors today. 

"I know," said Taehyung, gently rubbing his friend's shoulders. "I feel like you've been laid up for forever."

"Yeah, it does seem like forever.  I'm anxious to get back to work."  Jimin ran a hand through his hair and Taehyung grabbed it immediately.

"I think I asked you a long time ago to stop that," he said sternly, a sly smile on his face that Jimin could not see.

"Don't boss me around," grumbled Jimin, "I'm older than you."

"Oh so now you're going to pull rank?"  Taehyung laughed and Jimin finally realized he was messing around with him. 

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