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Jinjoo came into the shop and while she didn't care for the situation she was walking into, she was not really surprised anymore. Today three different pretty boys were sitting in the shop. One on his phone laughing and joking around, another in the manga corner oblivious to the outside world, and the newest one standing at the counter spinning a pencil in circles.

She walked to the counter and hung her jacket and bag up on the hook in the office. "Hyejin?" She looked around and yelled her adopted daughter's name. When she saw the girl she smiled warmly. "I'm here!"

"Yes you are! And right on time! Your record is still safe," Hyejin said, joking with her aunt. "Auntie, please meet Min Yoongi." She smiled and nodded towards the man on the other side of the counter.

Yoongi stopped spinning the pencil and bowed respectfully. "Nice to meet you. I'm Min Yoongi." Her cold look of disapproval was not lost on him. He felt a cold chill run up and down his spine and felt it was best to stay on her good side at all times.

"Mn. Same." Her frown turned into a smile as she faced her young charge. "What are your plans for the evening?"

"Ah, well, actually I was going to have some coffee with Yoongi-ssi here. Then I'm headed home. I've been up since early this morning getting Megan back to the airport. I think I see an early bedtime in my future." She laughed and slid her arms into her jacket.

"Yoongi-ssi, would you excuse us for a moment?" Jinjoo grabbed the younger woman's arm and tugged her into the small office, closing the door behind her. "Hyejin-ah, we need to talk."

Hyejin felt small under her aunt's stern gaze. She knew her aunt wouldn't approve of her having coffee with so many guys recently. Actually it was only two. Well, one if this one didn't work out. "Auntie, I know-"

"I don't think you do. What's with all these guys hanging out here lately? This is a book shop not some host bar. Have you given them the wrong idea? What reason would guys like them have to hang out in a place like this?" Her tone was cold but Hyejin could tell she was just worried about her. Her words still stung though.

"I know this is a book shop. I've done nothing to encourage their coming. I promise." She tried to smile sweetly at her aunt and thaw her cold attitude for a moment.

"That smile won't work today. I'm worried about all of this. Something is going to happen sooner or later if you don't put a stop to this right now." Jinjoo folded her arms and a deep frown was seemingly stuck on her face.

"Auntie, I know you're worried about me and I appreciate the fact you care so much. But I can't just ask customers not to come back. They're actually checking out books and reading. They haven't caused me any trouble or been inappropriate with me. If I feel anything is off I will take care of it immediately. Please don't worry so much." She tried to say things that would placate her aunt but deep down she felt irritated that her aunt still treated her like a young teenage girl she had to protect.

"Say what you want, but mark my words, something will happen with those kind hanging around. They look like they could be idols if they had makeup on."

Hyejin blushed and cleared her throat. "Actually they are," she whispered.

"WHAT?!" Jinjoo's voice came out in a roar and Hyejin cringed, backing up a much as she could in the small space, which wasn't much.

"It's okay! Really! I promise. Just please, trust me Auntie, hm?"

"Lee Hyejin! Where there's idols, there are fans, and where there are fans, there are bound to be sasaengs! Do you have any idea of what kind of fire you're playing with right now? Your parents would be so disappointed in you right now. Taking your life into your own hands and putting it at such risk. This is no joking matter!" Jinjoo sighed and put a hand up to her head.

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