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Namjoon made sure to get a taxi for Hyejin so she wouldn't have to ride the bus or walk.  

"I really don't need a taxi.  I can totally handle the bus.  Actually, there's this older lady who rides all the time and we've kind of become friends!"  Hyejin tried to hold back the giggle she felt rising in her throat as his eyes widened and began shifting around their surroundings. 

"I thought you've been taught not to talk to strangers.  How would you make friends with some grandmother on the bus?"  He looked at her flatly.  His expression made it harder for her control her laughter and she began to sputter. 

"What's so funny," he asked, looking at her curiously.

"Your face when I said I had become friends with some grandmother on the bus.  You looked like you half expected Auntie Jinjoo to pop around the corner at any moment and scold us."  She covered her mouth and giggled, tears trickling down her cheeks.

"It wasn't that funny," he mumbled.  He glanced down at the woman laughing beside him and his heart thumped harder.  It was good to hear her laugh and see her smile.  He had missed her. 

He reached over and reluctantly opened the door to allow her to enter the car.  He felt their time together had ended too soon.  His gaze lingered on her as she slid into the back of the taxi.  It still didn't feel real that he had found her by accident and was now having coffee with her.

"Namjoon-ah, thank you for the coffee.  It was great catching up with you again.  See you soon?"  She smiled up at him and her brown eyes made his heart thump again. 

"Uh, yeah just let me know when you would like to go."  He felt his mouth go dry.  Was she asking him out again? 

"Go?  Go where?"  She looked puzzled. 

"Uh...I thought-"

"I meant I would see you soon because you still have one of my books in your possession."  She began giggling again. 

He blushed.  Idiot.  He smiled and nodded.  "Goodnight, Hyejin."  He closed the door and waved as the taxi drove away.   He thought after so many years that his feelings for her would have disappeared or at the very least dwindled some.  However, that was not the case.  They were still raging strong in his heart.

* * *

Namjoon walked into the dance room and saw the guys hard at work.  He was late again.

"Joonie-hyung, come on!"  Jimin grinned widely and waved him over. 

J-Hope ran over to stop the music and everyone quickly came to a stop.  All eyes were now keyed in on their newly arrived leader.

"Namjoon-ah, glad you decided to join us," said Jin, a bit of snarkiness lacing his tone.

Namjoon glanced at him and simply nodded. 

"Tae Tae told us you were meeting with a girl."  Jimin threw an arm over Namjoon's shoulders and he immediately stiffened.  He shot a look over at Taehyung who shrunk back against the far wall. 

"Who is this girl?"  J-Hope wiggled his eyebrows and nudged Namjoon's shoulder with his own.  He laughed and shoved his hands into his back pockets waiting for an explanation.

Yoongi eyed him carefully and sat down on the floor, back against the wall, not taking his eyes off his leader.  Namjoon had always put BTS first, but when it came to his personal life he kind of just preferred to do his own thing and Yoongi always wondered what made him tick.  What, outside of music, rap, and dance interested Namjoon? 

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