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AN:  I have the best readers.  I just wanted you all to know that.  (⌒▽⌒)

"Tae Tae, I don't think that's a good idea," said Jimin, shaking his head firmly.

"Why not," whined Taehyung.

"Dude, the fandom is already a divided mess right now.  And you want to ask them to donate to the cause of that division?  Nope.  Too soon."  Jimin adjusted his sore neck and sighed with exhaustion.  Even just getting a sponge bath made him totally exhausted. He dreaded the whole thought of getting back up to his original physical strength after all this recovery stuff was done. 

"But Jimin, don't you think it's a great idea to get the fandom to come back together?  Maybe we could do some kind of perk like the fansites do.  You know, donate a book and we'll send you a signed photo card.  I sure there's a few million extra photo cards from past albums sitting around the company somewhere." Taehyung plucked at the hem of his shirt and his mouth twitched with disappointment. He knew Jimin was right. It was too soon to ask the fans to help Hyejin's situation. He stood up with a heavy heart and flopped down in the big leather chair.  "I just want to help her but I don't know what to do," he said, holding his head in his hands.

"I know, Tae, I know. We all want to. Just give it some time, okay? The fandom will come around.  Just give the dust a chance to settle first."  His voice trailed off to a soft tone as his eyes slowly closed.

Taehyung gave Jimin a lazy smile as his friend began to snore. He wearily stood up from his chair, his shoulders feeling heavy with the burden he had in his heart. Walking over to the hospital bed, he clicked off the overhead light and adjusted Jimin's blankets up over his arms and chest.  They kept these rooms unusually cool. 

He moved back to his chair and grabbed the extra blanket.  Throwing it over himself, he propped his feet up on the coffee table and leaned his head back on the chair, his eyes locked on the speckled ceiling tile.  

It was a long time before he finally slept.

* * *

Taehyung's head tossed as he slept.  His hand jerked down to his hip and slapped it.  "Nnnnngh, not yet," he groaned, turning to his side and snuggling into the blanket further.  His arm twitched again, slapping his hip again.  "Leave me alone," he shouted, ripping his phone out of his pocket. 

Jimin watched as his friend slung his phone across the room and it slapped into the firm leather of the nearby couch.  He giggled as Taehyung grumbled under his breath about his phone number possibly being leaked again. 

"Does he always sleep late like this?"  Nurse Jung sat a food tray in front of her patient and went about organizing it to her liking. 

Jimin giggled softly and looked up at her.  He nodded firmly.  "Yep.  The managers hate him in the mornings."  He picked up one of the orange slices laying on the side of the plate and nibbled at it. 

"Is he always this noisy though," asked Nurse Jung, casting a judgmental, yet motherly eye towards the fluffy hair peeking out from under the white hospital blanket.

"Unfortunately, yes," laughed Jimin.  "This looks really good.  But if I've learned anything while I've been here it's that the food here is deceitfully good looking."

Nurse Jung's stern face broke into a girly grin and her eyes crinkled as she began to giggle.  "You're right, Jimin-ssi!  Is there anything else I can get for you?  If not, I'll leave you to your breakfast.  Therapy is in an hour, so don't dawdle, alright?"  She patted the boy's shoulder gently and when he confirmed he needed nothing else, she left the room.

The Hidden TreasureNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ