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Hyejin stared at Jinyoung for a few moments, trying to process the words he had just spoken. She glanced down at his hand still covering hers and slowly slid it back to her lap. "Jinyoung, I-"

"Look, I know someone else with way more history with you means much more than I do at this moment. Just... just don't completely write me off. Please?" He sighed and sat back in his chair, folding his hands in his lap. His face contorted as the memories from his past filled his head.

"I can't stand to see someone else I care about hurt, or God forbid, killed because of someone's obsession. Sasaengs are not people to be trifled with. They're unstable. Mentally unstable. They lose their grip on reality really quick. They can't be trusted. They're experts at blending in so as not to be noticed. When you least expect it, they rise up out of the shadows and do their worst work." He swallowed and licked his lips nervously. His trembling hand reached up and combed through his hair as he tried to gain control of his emotions.

"Hyejin, I've come to care about you a lot over the last few weeks. I honestly love you. I'm sorry my confession isn't more romantic or anything. I just want you to know how I feel and where I stand. If something happens to you because of their fans, I won't forgive them." His hard gaze met hers, sending cold chills down her spine.

"Forgive who?"

Hyejin jumped to her feet at the sound of the voice she had been longing to hear for a while now. She turned in the direction of it and her hands flew to her mouth.

"Surprise," laughed Namjoon.

Jinyoung sighed heavily and stood to his feet. He knew he would be an unwanted third wheel if he stuck around. "Hyejin, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back though to help you close up. Call if you need anything before I come back." He gave Namjoon a cold look before leaving the shop through the back door.

Hyejin stood frozen in her place. She hadn't expected to see him today, tomorrow, or any time in the near future. Yet, here he was. In the flesh. In her shop. Three feet in front of her. She shuffled one step towards him and stopped. She wasn't sure how to react. He had no idea how she felt. She had never gotten the chance to tell him. Even though they had written notes to each other and communicated through the books, she had decided that hers was a confession worthy only of being given in person.

Namjoon watched her take a nervous step forward and he smiled. He took a step towards her in return and smiled his own nervous smile. He had no idea how she felt. He knew his heart belonged to her, but would she feel the same about him? He remembered their conversation in the park where she had basically friend-zoned him. Or rather, he had friend-zoned himself. How would he come back now and share with her his heart; basically going back on his declarations from that day?

Hyejin watched as his mind was obviously working overtime. She could see the doubts and fears scroll across his face. She smiled warmly and in two seconds she had closed the gap between them, standing on her toes and throwing her arms around his neck. "Joon-ah," she whispered, "you're here!"

Namjoon was caught off guard by the sudden attack. He felt her arms wrap around his neck and she was squeezing him tightly, like she never wanted to let him go. His arms slowly raised and with great hesitation, they loosely wrapped around her waist.

Hyejin didn't care if he had not even hugged her back. He was here with her. She didn't care if he wanted a hug or not, he was getting one and it was going to be epic. She swayed from foot to foot, swaying him along with her. She felt his arms that lay loosely on her waist, slowly tighten in response to her. A warm breath dance through her hair and she could no more erase her smile than one could douse the fire on the sun. She released him slightly, moving her hands to rest on his cheeks. "Joon-ah," she whispered, staring into his face with teary eyes.

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