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Robin was sipping Lemonade in a booth at restaurant when he heard the rattling of bags near him and a familiar man looming over him.

"Five." Robin smiled.

"Gimme my shit." Amir said.

Robin sighed and smiled, handing Amir his Satchel with his laptop still inside. "I should call the cops on you, can't trust white people as it is." Amir said.

"Why didn't you? I am a thief." Robin asked unfazed.

"Cause they got this real bad habit of killing people that look like me even when we call them." Amir said.

"That's true, but are you at least going to hit me huh?" Robin asked.

"What?" (Fuck is wrong with him?) Amir thought.

Robin asked another question "I'm impressed you tracked me down so fast how ya do it?"

"Wait, wait, wait quit hitting me with all these questions no I ain't hitting you, and I made an app so I can track my laptop if I ever lose it." Amir said.

Robin raised his eyebrows when he mentioned that and asked "You tired huh? Take a seat."

Amir reluctantly sat down and said lemme ask you a question "We live across the street from each other, you thought I wouldn't go over there and get my shit back?"

"That would have been impossible." Robin said.

"Why?" Amir said.

"Because I was planning on selling it before I went back." Robin said.

"I would've beat your ass." Amir said.

"You unfortunately don't have that in you." Robin said.

"Why you so calm? Ain't you scared of me?" Amir said.

"I've seen scarier, you're harmless. Why are you so angry huh?" Robin asked.

"Cause you stole my Laptop, that thing's my life!" Amir yelled garnering attention from people nearby. "See now you got me yelling, people looking at us."

Robin lazily tilted his head towards a woman still looking at Amir and said in an calm, venom laced tone "See anything you like baby? No? Then eat your damn food and mind your business."
The woman did what she was told and sneered.

"You're welcome." Robin said. "I was about to get something to eat you want anything huh?"

Amir was mesmerized by Robin's husky voice and said "Yes, wait! I ain't buying shit!"

"No one said you was it's on..." Robin dug in his shirt and took out credit cards and said "Robert Garfield. Only fool down here that had a debit card. Robin said sucking his teeth.

"Yeah I saw those wallets you dropped in the gutter." Amir said.

"Yeah? What of it huh?" Robin asked.

"Nothing sneaky ass white boy, I gotta watch out for you."

"Look ya eating or not huh? Cause I ordered as much as I could and it's only a matter of time before doughboy realizes I pick-pocketed him."

"Uh yeah. Miss?" Amir said to an waitress.

Robin finished his Lemonade and Chicken Salad off and said "Well I think it's time I got the hell out of here." Robin said "Madame?" The waitress approached him and he said "Me and this...perfect stranger are done."

"Of course." She said.

The waitress said "$51.21"

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