Chapter 35

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Arthur lay in his bed, completely motionless. His father watching over him, Isabella walked into the room and walked to the king.

"Sire, you do not look well. Here I brought you something to drink. I think you should go and get some rest I will look after him."

Uther looked at her and then at Arthur before looking back at Isabella saying,

"You love him, don't you?" she looked at him and nodded sadly. "Very much." She answered.

"Isabella, please look after him. I fear that I will be leaving soon and I need you to be a good queen and wife. Please look after him for me. I may not show it to often but I love my son and I am worried that I may never be able to say goodbye."

Isabella looked at him and gave him a soft smile. "I am sure you will Sire, Merlin and Gaius will find a cure. Arthur will not die. You will say goodbye and I will always look after him for you. You are a good king and I hope that when you leave and live a happier life, you will always look over Camelot and Arthur."

She gave him a hug and told him to go to his chambers and sleep. She was then left alone with the man she loved. Arthur lay in his bed, wounds covered and all seemed good but he wasn't awake. He was in there but he wasn't.

Isabella wet a cloth and sat next to him on the bed, placing the cloth on his head, tending to his fever.

"Arthur, I am sorry. Please forgive me. I cannot lose you, you mean too much to me and to Camelot. I love you Arthur and I always have. I will love you until the day comes when I am due to leave. My life will always be in debt to yours and I owe you my life. Merlin told me that you saved me and faced the beast and took the hit. Please Arthur, wake up and don't die. You will be a great king and I will be your wife. Please Arthur. Don't give up on your life now, you have too much to so still, you are not due to die. Please Arthur. I love you. Please."

Her voice became a whisper by the end of her speech as she looked at Arthurs closed eyes, she missed his icy blue eyes that pierced you with one look. It was awfully silent as she watched him struggle for his life that lay in the cold hands of death. She took his hand and held it to her face, her eyes filled with tears again as she placed a gentle kiss upon his hand, keeping it close to her face.

The silent was suddenly interrupted as Merlin and Gaius burst through the door, Merlin with a vial of something in his hand, she moved to the other side of Arthur on the bed as Gaius leaned over Arthur giving him the liquid in the vial.

They all waited to see if the medicine would take effect but time went on and Arthur did not wake.

Uther lay even worse in his bed, his fear of never saying goodbye to his son was growing. Everyday Isabella went to see Uther and told him of Arthur and how he was doing. She helped Uther with his fevers and colds as his life was slipping into the hands of death, pulling him further and further away from the mortal world.

One Day Isabella went into Arthur's chambers to collect some of the old cloths. She stood with her back facing the bed, but felt as if someone was watching her. She turned around and saw Arthur. With his eyes open. Looking at her. She began to cry as she dropped all the cloths in her hands and rushed to Arthur, who took her in his arms with no hassle.

She pulled away from Arthur's chest and said, "Arthur, it's your father. You need to see him."

He stopped her before she could pull him out of the room, "Did you mean the things you said when you were talking-to me?"

"You could hear me?"

"Yes, would you marry me even after I betrayed you the way I did?"

"Arthur, I love you and I meant everything I said."

My Cinderella (Arthur Pendragon love story.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat