Chapter 23

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Isabella struggled to sleep that night as she was so nervous and excited for the following day. It had been nearly a year since she had seen Violet and so much had happened in that year. She could not wait to see Violet and here what happened in her life while they were away from each other.

The morning came quiet quickly for Isabella and when it was time to get up. Isabella walked into the kitchen to find Mina and Giselle, making the breakfast for Cassandra and Angela. Abigail walked into the room and took a seat in the chair at the table where all the servants have their food, she had been pushed from the family and basically made a servant. Mina smiled at her and handed her a plate of eggs.

Isabella went to hug her and then Mina said, still stirring what was in the pot on the stove top, "Good Morning Izzy, why is it this morning that you seem to be so happy, normally in the mornings you are not exactly the happiest person?" Isabella turned to look at Mina and smiled before saying, "Well, I'm going to see my friend from my old town and I haven't seen in almost a year, Merlin told me yesterday that she came in and was staying in the castle."

They smiled and motioned to her to leave before Cassandra is up as if Cassandra was up she would not have let her go anywhere near the castle let alone the Prince, who she felt was rightfully Angela's. Isabella smiled at them, got her cloak and waved before disappearing behind the door. She walked down the road towards the market then towards the town. As she walking she came across Gwen, while she was making her way to the castle to work.

"Hello, Izzy. How are you?" Isabella went to hug her and then replied, "Hello, Gwen I am  in good spirits today and what about you?"

"I am good thank you Izzy. What do I owe the pleasure of seeing you so early in the morning." Isabella smiled at her friend and said, "Well I am heading to the castle, Merlin told me that one of my friends from my old town was staying the castle. I have not seen her in nearly a year so I am quiet excited."

"Heading to the castle? You do know that is where Arthur lives?" Gwen laughed as she knew of the relationship between the two and she also knew of how Isabella felt. She also knew how Arthur felt as they were good friends, he told her as she was a girl and might have been able to help.

Isabella laughed and shook her head saying, "Yes, Gwen I know. Ill just avoid him. Hopefully he would not see me."

Gwen shook her head before saying, "What is the name of your friend?"

"Violet Hughes." Isabella replied.

Gwen eyes widened and she said, "I am looking after her, did you know that she is know a Lady as her Brother, James, found fortune in his father's will and they have been a place to live in the castle by King Uther."

Isabella's eyes widened as she looked at Gwen shaking her head as if to say no. The two walked until the castle came into site. The castle stood tall and proud as they neared. They made it to the gates. She smiled at all the people that she past and made her way towards the entrance of the castle. Gwen went to side entrance in order to go to the rooms to start the days job.

Isabella had her head facing her feet as she walked. She kept her down as she knew that Arthur was somewhere in the castle or even possibly where she was, in the courtyard. Isabella heard her name being called so she looked up, Violet stood at the top of the stairs in one of the most beautiful dresses Isabella had ever seen. Violet walked down the stairs and embraced Isabella in a massive hug.

"Oh, I missed you so much Izzy. We need to catch up right now." Isabella smiled but said, "Oh Violet I have missed you too, but I cannot catch up right now. I am looking for Merlin. We are supposed to be going somewhere. But when we get back, I will come to your room and we can catch up." They hugged and Violet left to go to breakfast.

Violet walked away and left Isabella on her, just as Arthur came out of the doors, putting on his black gloves, so therefore he was not paying attention to where he was walking, Isabella's eyes widened as he came closer and closer, she then decided to make a run for it, she moved out of his way and made her way up the stairs, she was wearing her blue dress.

As she walked up and Arthur went down, the wind blew causing her hair to lift.

As she walked up and Arthur went down, the wind blew causing her hair to lift

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 Isabella was always told by her friends that she smelled like vanilla. She looked back and saw Arthur stop in his tracks at the bottom of the stairs, she stood at the top now. He turned around and saw her, he looked at her.

Isabella took in a deep breath, turned around and walked into the castle

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Isabella took in a deep breath, turned around and walked into the castle.

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