Chapter 10

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Isabella made it home somehow managing to lose the person who was following her. She ran into the house and straight to her small room and collapsed on the bed. She was just thinking, thinking about Arthur and Alex, Jesse and Violet. Arthur. Arthur. Arthur. And more about Arthur. Shaking her head to get rid of the thoughts. As she did this, tithe screeching voice of Cassandra echoed through the house.
"Isabella!!! Come down here right now!!"

Sighing she pushed herself off of the lumpy bed and straightened her dress. She slowly walked down the stairs and went into one of the rooms, where she found Cassandra spread out on the couches in the center of the room. Slowly she walked up to the seat, Cassandra looked up when she heard the sound of footsteps.

A look of pure hatred crossed Cassandra's face as she looked down upon Isabella. She sucked in a deep breath, trying to avoid the harsh stare she was receiving from the woman in front of her.

"Isabella, do you have anything to tell me?" Cassandra said in a deep voice, slow and threatening.

Isabella looked at Cassandra for a second but her thoughts were interrupted when she heard footsteps coming into the room.

Isabella looked up and was met with a pair of familiar eyes. But what could they being doing here? And what were they doing in her bedroom, in the house that was so far away from the town and the castle.

Isabella looked up into the persons eyes and then said,
"What are you doing here?"

Hey guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated but I was writing exams for the past couple of weeks but here is chapter 10 and I hope that you enjoy and I will have chapter 11 up very soon.
Love, Maggie xoxoxo

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