Chapter 34

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The King walked in the courtyard with Arthur his only son, lying limply in his arms. Covered in blood and mud. Merlin stood watching from afar. Planning to save him. Isabella looked on as the King fell to his knees, crying. Some knights came to help lift Arthur off the floor and take him to his chambers.

"Violet, what happened?" Isabella asked looking back at Violet. Violet said nothing.

Isabella took in a deep breath before saying it again, "Violet, please, what has happened?"

"Arthur has been hit by the Questing Beast and is fated to die."

Isabella's world stopped as she looked back at the scene before her, suddenly her legs were moving towards the door as she ran.

Bitter tears of Love filled her eyes as she ran to the love of her life.

"Arthur!" she screamed as she saw the men carrying him to the stairs leading into the castle. She screamed his name again as the men put him down on the stretcher. She hugged him and shook him, crying. Her bitter tears covering her whole face as she tried to wake him up. Merlin ran to her and pulled her away as the knights lifted him and carried him away.

Isabella stood in Merlin's arms crying as others watched the scene, the King on the ground crying. All faces were grim as they watched the lifeless Prince being taken away as well as the future of Camelot.

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