Chapter 14

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"Arthur." She whispered softly. He looked at her before gently taking her hand in his and walking with her to the dance floor. As she walked, she could feel all eyes on her, but for some reason all her nerves had disappeared.

She stood beside Arthur as the music started. She could feel the joy in her heart as the music played, her soft fingers moving along to the beat of the song, she soon found herself moving in the dance. Along with Arthur she was passed to different men until finally at the end they were reunited.

The laughter could be heard as the next piece began, but instead of dancing again Arthur took her hand and led her away from the people into what looked to be the garden.

There were lit torches handing from some of the walls around the garden, adding to the effect of the extraordinary ball held by the very person standing in front of her. Isabella looked at Arthur before saying, "Your Majesty, why did you hold such an extravagant ball?" Arthur looked back at her and smiled, "My father wants me to seek a bride before he dies so that I can take the throne, I however want to be more in touch with the people, so I decided to invite all eligible maidens and give all people the chance."

She smiled at sincerity to others and continued walking until they reached what looked like a forest. Isabella stopped unsure whether she should go further but Arthur noticed her stop and walked back to her and put his hand on the lower of her back and gently pushed her towards the entrance of the forest.

It was absolutely breathtaking, there were stairs that were overgrown by grass leading up to something, and Isabella thought that it could possibly be some sort of hiding place for a person. She looked at Arthur and he sent her a soft smile. She lifted the bottom of her dress, revealing her slippers, the glass glistened in the moonlight. Arthur noticed this and said, "Glass slippers?" She looked at him and smiled before saying, "Why not?"

He laughed and stepped onto the first step, extending his hand to her, offering it to her to help her step up the slippery steps. She placed her hand in his and he pulled her up and together they walked up to the top of the stairs. Hidden behind a curtain of leaves, was a beautiful waterfall, overlooking the vast land before them. Arthur still had her hand in his and he pulled her along to a small bridge that led to a small cave underneath the waterfall.

He started pulling her towards the bridge, but it was only then that she saw that some of the water from the waterfall was falling onto the bridge, she paused in her step and said, "Your Majesty, do you really think I'm going to walk under the waterfall in this dress?"

He looked at her and laughed before saying, "do not worry the water falls just before the bridge it won't touch that beautiful dress." She smiled softly before looking down, slightly embraced by her words, but was interrupted by Arthur who said, "And you do not have to call me, Your Majesty, call me Arthur."

"Arthur." She smiled and followed him onto the old bridge and soon they were in the cave. The cave was lit by many lit torches on the walls, in the middle of the cave was a small blanket and the view of the land was right before them. It was just breathtakingly beautiful!

 It was just breathtakingly beautiful!

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"Arthur, this is beautiful!" she exclaimed as they looked out into the night sky. Together they sat just talking, until the clock stoke twelve. Isabella's eye widen as she remembered Merlin's words, "You need to meet me by the carriage at 12 o clock." Isabella quickly stood up and rushed to leave, but as soon as she was up, so was Arthur, he grabbed her arm and said,

"What's the rush, where are you going?" Isabella turned around and said, "I'm sorry, this was a lovely evening but I have to go!" She managed the get her arm out of his grip and rush out of the cave. Arthur followed her and shouted, "Wait can you at least tell me your name?"

She turned around, about to say her name but remembered that she couldn't tell him, because he was a Prince and she was nothing but a servant girl

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She turned around, about to say her name but remembered that she couldn't tell him, because he was a Prince and she was nothing but a servant girl. Nothing could ever happen between them. She closed her eyes willing the tears to disappear as she ran away from the love of her life.

She ran through the ball, past all the people and out to the staircase. Arthur was still hot on her trail. She could see Merlin waiting by the carriage for her but quietly made sure that he was hidden so that Arthur couldn't see him. She ran and ran as fast as she could but as she was almost reaching the last step her slipper slipped off, she turned around to get it but Arthur was running down after her, she took off the other slipper and ran to the carriage, inside was Merlin. The carriage sped off and the Prince was left behind.

But that wouldn't stop him.....

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