Chapter 12

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The day's seemed to pass by fairly quickly and the day of the ball arrived. Isabella sat in her small, crowded room as her two stepsisters sat in front of her. Abby was quiet while Angela kept talking about how the Prince would just fall at her feet.

Abby looked at Isabella and then nodded her head towards the door leading out of the room and into the secret room that Abby had shown her a couple days prior to the ball.

Isabella manger to slip away while Angela made Abby take her long blonde curls and tie them back into a tight bun. Isabella walked into the dimly lit room and just she was about to light the candle, the door slammed shut.

Whipping around Isabella came face to face with a dress. Wait a dress? The dress stood before the door and was soft to the touch. It was grey and had intricate designs on the bodice. It was just beautiful. But why would this be there?

Abby stuck her head in the door and told Isabella,
"My mother will never let you go to the ball. Put on a ruff dress and then say that you are ready to go the ball. This is the dress you will put on when we are gone. I have arranged a golden carriage with white horses for you that will be here shortly after we have left. I will see you at the ball but you must wear this mask at all times so that mother will not recognize you."

Isabella looked at Abby before engulfing her in a hug. Abby pushed her back and handed her a scruffy looking dress, saying, "put this on.  Then come to the front." With that she left and Isabella put the dress on.

She walked out to the front and almost immediately Angela burst out laughing. "Was that really all you could find. I think a rat would look better in the than you!" Abby just rolled her eyes, before sending a soft smile to Isabella.

Cassandra stepped forward and said, "Isabella, you are no longer allowed to attend the ball, it is an absolute disgrace to be seen with you wearing such a ugly and worn out dress. You will finished the list of chores I left you in the kitchen. Now go child, get out of my face!"

Isabella was slightly stunned but nevertheless left very quickly. As soon as she heard the carriage disappear she headed to the secret room, where she found the dress.

With ease she slipped into the dress and pulled her long blonde hair into a small ponytail, and tying flowers from the top to the bottom. She really looked beautiful.  Lastly she slipped the delicate lace mask on her eyes and then headed out where she met......
None other Merlin sitting in the carriage waiting for her.

My Cinderella (Arthur Pendragon love story.)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora