Chapter 25

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 Isabella walked and finally made it to Gaius' room, looking around, she saw that Arthur didn't follow her. She sighed and knocked on the door, after hearing a come in from Gaius she opened the door and went inside.

Gaius sat at the table with Merlin, both were having breakfast. Merlin smiled at her as she went and sat down next to Gaius. He then noticed that Isabella was all red. Merlin raised his eyebrows at her before saying, "Izzy, why are you so red?"

Isabella touched her face and felt the heat in her cheeks. She took in a deep breath and smiled at Merlin before saying, "I am red."

He looked at her and said, "Really, Izzy I know that you know that you are red, what happened to make little Izzy blush?"

"Nothing, Merlin, nothing happened."

"Does it have something to with Arthur?"

Isabella looked down at the table and Merlin laughed before saying to Gaius, "Well, since that is sorted, Gaius we had better get going, I don't know whether this Druid girl will still be there. It is extremely dangerous to be so close to Camelot with Uther in power for a Druid."

Merlin grabbed his jacket and Isabella took her cloak from Gaius who was holding it out for her. They walked to the door and said goodbye to Gaius. They walked to the courtyard and Merlin got two horses for them to ride to the ruin. While Merlin was gone, Isabella noticed that Arthur was looking at her from his window.

She quickly turned away from him, and waited until Merlin returned. She could feel that something big was going to happen when she got back, but she pushed away all thoughts of Arthur and Merlin returned with two horses, one black and one brown. Isabella noticed that it was her horse, the one that she thought that Cassandra had taken away from her,

"Merlin! Where did you find him?" Merlin smiled at her and said,

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"Merlin! Where did you find him?" Merlin smiled at her and said,

"It was Arthur, once he heard that Cassandra was selling, he brought him and kept him here in hopes that you would return and hopefully stay."

She looked back at the window and saw that Arthur was still there, watching them. She waved at him and smiled before smoothly climbing onto the back of her horse, Rusty. Merlin then looked at her and together they rode out of the gates and towards the forest.

The forest, a green blur as Merlin and Isabella rode through it towards the edge of Camelot, past the town, the market and the outskirts. Right on the boarder of the Kingdom. The ruin stood on a hill, tall and proud. Yet broken and damaged.

The two jumped off their horses and walked to the steel gate.

Merlin tried to push them open but they wouldn't budge. He looked at Isabella and said, "You are sure that you were not just dreaming that you saw a Druid, as you know King Uther has a thing against magic. I don't think that any Druid with any common sense would even try to be this close to Camelot." Isabella nodded her head saying, "Yes Merlin, I am sure that I saw her. If I was not sure I wouldn't have told you. I know that you are a warlock so I trust you. Please believe me."

Merlin nodded his head and tried to push on the gates again but this time they sent him a shock. He pulled his hands away from the gate and rubbed his hands. Isabella handed him some water to put on the burns, he gladly took the water and she dabbed it on gently for him. She then went to the gate and just as she was about to put her hand on the gate, Merlin shouted, "No! Izzy, you are going to hurt yourself!" She turned around to face him and said,

"Merlin, you have to trust me, let me do this." He stopped talking as she took her finger and placed it on the gate, nothing happened. She then put her hand and pushed..........

The gate swung open, revealing the Ruin. Isabella turned to look at Merlin, whose mouth was wide open. "How? How? How did you do that?" He asked.

She shrugged her shoulders and went inside. As soon as they were inside the gates shut with a loud bang, causing the two to jump in fright. Together they made their way to the top of the hill and into the ruin.

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