"Yeah, im down for that!"-Ratliff 


There was a silence. Not an awkward silence. A comfortable silence. 

"I need your help with something..."-Rydel 


"Courtneys pregnant."-Rydel 


"Courtney Is Pregnant. Shes Up The Duff. Shes Got A Bun In The Oven. Need me to repeat?"-Rydel 

"Nope. Im good."-Ratliff 

"I need you to help me announce it to everybody!"-Rydel 

"Does Ross know?"-Ratliff 

I shake my head.

"Wow... Okay, she's like how old?"-Ratliff

"Lets see, Ross is now 18, so that makes her 16..."-Rydel 

"Thats illegal right?"-Ratliff 

"Shit! I never even thought about that! We cannot let the fans find out! He could be arrested!"-Rydel

"Dont swear infront of Mark and I know, what are we gonna do?"-Ratliff

"I have no idea..."-Rydel

We finish eating and decide to go to the indoor play centre for kids.

I sit at a table, Ratliff plays with Mark. He looks so funny with the bump on. Im so happy that he agreed to do this.

------2 Hours Later------

 We decided to take Mark to the park. 

Ratliff was chasing him around, going down the slide with him, pushing him on the swing.

I was standing there recording some footage of them both for the documentary and R5TV.

I turn the camera off and go over to them both. 

"Hey, Im gonna go get a drink, want anything?"-Rydel

"Want me to come with you?"-Ratliff

"No, Its Fine, You Stay with Mark, I'll be back soo."-Rydel 

I kiss him quickly and start walking away.

 I get to the small store near the park and go in. I walk around to the drink section. I grab Ratliff his Pepsi, Mark his Milkshake and I get myself some water. 

I pay for them and walk towards the entrance. As I go to walk out I bump into somebody.

"I am so sorry!"-Rydel 



"The one and only. What are you doing back?"-Kelly

"Well...I-I Um..."-Rydel

"Are you pregnant?"-Kelly


"It better not be Ell's baby!"-Kelly

"Why not?"-Rydel

"Listen, Ell is mine, and mine only!"-Kelly

"But we're engaged..."-Rydel

"You have to break up with him!"-Kelly

"No! Who are you to tell me what I can do or not? Ell and I are engaged! Im not breaking up with him whether you like it or not!"-Rydel

"Oh honey, If you know whats good for you you'll break up with him!"-Kelly

"What if I dont?"-Rydel

She comes in closer to me, pushing me up against the wall.

"Then I'll make sure you never see any of your family again! Do I make myself clear?"- Kelly

I nod.



"You've Got A Week...Dont Forget I Know Where You Live!"-Kelly

Just as I go to walk away, she grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"Dont think about telling anybody either!"-Kelly

I nod.

I walk away, crying. I can't do this to him. I cant break up with him. I don't want my family getting hurt. This is gonna kill me. We've already been seperated for 2 years. I only just got him back. I cant bare to see him crushed. I just cant. I dont wanna see his face when I say its over. All he'sever done is be sweet to me. Im cant just throw it back into his face. This is so complicated.

By the time I get back to the park, I'm crying so hard, I start hyperventilating. My knees feel weak. I spot Ell, he sees me, picks Mark up and comes running over. 

"Delly, Whats wrong?"-Ratliff 

I just wrap my arms around him. I cry into his shirt. 

We walk back to the car, he straps Mark into his carseat and jumps into the drivers seat. 

I just put my earphones in and rest my head against the window, gazing out as tears fall down my cheeks. 

How could such a good day, turn into the worst in less that 2 minutes?

When we arrive home, I go straight upstairs, ignoring everybodys questions. 

 I walk into my room, slamming the door and locking it.

I hear knocks, the shouts of the guys begging for me to let them in. I just put my earphones in, the music deafening the sound of everything around me. I slip into my own little world as I cry myself to sleep.

When I wake up, I look down at my bump, caressing it in the process. I sigh. I know I cant run from this forever.

I cant let harm come to my family or my unborn baby. I have to do this for everybody...

Its for the best...

Im so sorry about not updating lately, ive been super busy! I'll try updating more often. Quick question... Have you guys got tickets to the LOUDER tour? If so where are you going? Please comment with feedback on this chapter & what you wanna see happen. 


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