Chapter 21-Apartment

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"RINNGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My alarm rang. GODDAMMIT ALARMS. More like little devils..... I set an alarm as I wanted to start to start looking for an apartment early. I mean, the earlier the better right.... I got out of bed after scrolling through my social networks.... Typical me.... I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, well I brush my teeth before breakfast its weird to brush it after.... I soon stepped into the shower and stepped out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel, looking for my clothes.

Somewhere. In the room. Somewhere. I have no idea where. JKJKJK, my cabinet.

I walked out once dressed, my hair was just tied up in a simple high ponytail, who cares. I went out and made myself a sandwich and began eating it until JC walked over to pluck it out of my hands. Well, there goes my breakfast. Oh well.

"Uhm, JC have you seen Connor today?" I asked JC.

"Nope not really. But I do know that he went out to get other less bulky equipment for filming videos. He didn't want to bring a huge bulk all the way to university I guess...." He told me focusing more on the sandwich than me. Well, apparently my brother likes his food better than he likes me so..... BooHooHoo......

Anyways, I  got up and asked JC to carpool me around. HE IS OLDER THAN ME BY 2 MINS, HE IS TO TAKE CARE OF ME. He agreed and picked up his keys and drove me around town and began looking for apartments. Nice ones.

-After 3 hours-

"So how do you like this house?? The ambience is nice, look, you can even see the Hollywood sign from here!" My housing agent Flora said. I walked around the house, trying to decide if I wanted it, I took a few pictures of the surroundings and sent them to Shanthi. I mean yeah, her opinion. OBVIOUSLY. It's not like it's my apartment its our apartment.....

Almost immediately she replied 'ok, I like it. Lets get this one.'. Oh finally!!!!!! I never knew that she was SOOOOO picky. Finally she agreed on something! I spoke to my housing agent and signed a few documents and stuff, and this apartment was now mine! Well not technically, but still.

I was just gonna wait till Shanthi was here until I bought the furniture. She is what you would call, hell troublesome. If I bought beige, she would grumble about how hard it is to clean. If I bought black, she'd say its 'devil's home'. So might as well wait for her to be here......

I walked out of the house as Flora handed me the keys and told me the rooms. She said that the house would be legally mine next week when the people living here would move out. I nodded and went off to the ice cream place. I HAVE ISSUES WITH.... ICE CREAM OKAY. DON'T JUDGE ME.

I dragged JC to the ice cream place nearby. I just have no idea what this place is, or if its good or bad. I JUST WANT ICE CREAM. We went in and sat down. I ordered strawberry flavor while JC ordered mix berries. Hehe, berries. I topped mine with rainbow sprinkles and so did he, twin telepathy perhaps??

I sat down in one of the tables and began to eat my ice cream. JC started eyeing my ice cream and pointing his spoon at it. Uh uh, he ain't getting any. ALL MINE. I 'hugged' my ice cream and glared at him, he'd better get the message..... His spoon got closer, and closer. Before he could attack mine, I took a chance and scooped a gigantic scoop of his ice cream. HA! Look who's better now! As I sat back down, JC looked behind me and his eyes widened.

I wonder what he even saw..... I turned my head slowly and looked behind me.

I felt a pain in my heart. One I've never felt before.


HAHAHAHAHHAHAA!!!!!!!!!! Cause Im evil and the author so cliffhanger. YAASSS. Sorry about my not updating thngy thing.... YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I've been really busy and I swear my school is #cray. Oh go home at 6 today and tomorrow, 6 again! The teachers than decide to throw a pile of homework at you that particular day. Aren't they the best?

Note my sarcasm.

Sorry for my rant, just needed to let off some steam. Yes, I've been really busy with school at stuff and I don't really even like that. I FEEL SO BAD RN. I totally forgot to wish you guys a Happy New Year.... Oopsy..... I didn't even say Merry Christmas!

IM A BAD PERSON. Oh well... IM SO SORRY.....

Kay, thanks for reading. Rmb to vote, comment and also TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS. EVEN YOUR PETS. Pets are friends....

Also, ITS ZAYN'S B'DAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! (I type my chapters beforehand and I just click publish... So... And when u see me freaking out over the reads its because I went back to edit them....)

I've also decided to update once a week due to my crazy homework crap. so yeah....

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