Chapter 12- The Funeral (Pt 1)

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Aaaand, was the last chappy a cliffhanger or not??


I curled up into a ball immediately after knowing the news. I felt like someone and gave me a puppy, I got attached to it. And it just disappeared into thin air. I can't take it, it was too much for me. I threw my phone against the bathroom door and my tears came pouring down. It was like a downpour.

Right after that, everyone downstairs came up. They rushed up the stairs and stood at the door. JC immediately came over to me, comforting me. Telling me it's going to be okay. Connor came out of the shower to, in shock.

"ITS NOT OKAY JC! ITS NOT! NOTHING IS! MUM'S DEAD. SHE'S DEAD, SHE DIED! WE'RE NOW PARENTLESS!!!!" I screamed. I buried my head back into my legs. I hid myself from the world and kicked everybody out of the room, except for JC, I needed my brother. I hugged him, hard. He comforted me during the hug.

My shirt started getting wetter, I think JC was tearing up too. And I knew why, my mum was the most important thing in our life, she raised both of us. Single-handedly.

"When's the funeral Joel?" JC asked.

"I...I think, it's.... It's, around the day after tomorrow, than we'll bury her on the same day." I replied in between sobs. I couldn't accept the fact. It was hard to accept. I lost my mum.


I woke up in the morning, tired. I didn't have enough sleep for the past few days, even though we just came back yesterday. My mum was all I could think of, our memories together.

For the past few days, I've been crying. And sleeping, I didn't eat much. Unless someone would give me a picture of mum, and I would be willing to eat. Connor would usually come in to bring me breakfast and get me to buck up. Or drag me out of the room to sit in the backyard. It was the only time where I could forget mum, where I could be happy. Until I see something that reminds me of her, and I would start crying again.

I quickly got out of bed and brushed my teeth, and showered. I wanted to look presentable today, I needed to. I have to, I don't want people to know i've been crying. I want them to see me as a strong girl, who can pull through. I bet mum would want me to do the same.

I soon did my makeup. As I opened my makeup pouch, there was something shiny. I pulled it out, it was a heart shaped locket. Memories came flooding.


It was my 18th birthday today. Where I finally grow up! Aaaand also when mum can stop interfering with my stuff, which is not possible. Doesn't kill to dream does it?I washed up and walked out of my room. As usual, for my birthday. My mum would make me a BIG BIG BIG breakfast. Bacon, Cereal, Eggs, orange juice, toast, tacos? Yep, tacos, weird. Mum always thought eating lots on birthday was good. BUT I SWEAR I LOOK LIKE A BALLON THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DEFLATED. That was weird. But, you get what I mean.

I walked towards the table as mum put down the food. I'm gonna die eating all these. UGHHH....... I HATE HER. Don't get me wrong, I love my mum, but sometimes, I just can't.

"Morning sweetie! Happy Birthday! And I got you a present!!" Mum said with a smile. She went upstairs and came down with a tiny box. I looked at the box as she handed it to me.

"Thank you mum. I thought your presents were always breakfast?" I told her. She chuckled and told me to quickly open the box. I opened the box, it contained a necklace. It had a heart shaped locket connected to it. It seemed as though I could open it, like those where you can insert a picture.....

I opened the locket, it contained a picture. A full family portrait, including dad. All four of us, dad, mum, JC and me. It was perfect. I hugged mum, indicating my gratefulness.


I stared at the locket in my hands as the memories flashed by, a tear streamed down my face. I held in my tears, I don't want to have red puffy eyes. I quickly wiped off my tear with the back of my hand.

Without hesitating, I put the locket on my neck. At that instance, I decided I was going to wear it everyday of my life. After that, I put on a black dress and some black pumps. I was in no mood to make my hair look nice, so I just put it up in a ponytail. As I was tying my hair, there was a knock on the door. As soon as I saw the dark brown hair sticking in, I knew who it was.

"Jo, let's go." It was JC. I braced myself for the next few hours.



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