Chapter 16- Home Sweet Home

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I was staring at the hospital's ceiling, at 1am. The rest of the guys had already went home at 6, I made them. They wanted to keep my company for my stay at the hospital. I made them go back because they had already stayed for what seemed to be two nights. I'd notice the bags under their eyes.

I felt guilty making them stay with me. Even though JC made me angry, he was still my brother. My one and only kin on earth right now. Besides, I can't stay angry at him for long. He's my brother!

And it hit me, hard.

Was I fit to be Connor's girlfriend?

The fans/haters comments were still in my brain. I thought about it, maybe I wasn't. I was just a normal girl-next-door person. Not someone who could take the pressure of hate, like they could. Connor was yes, all I ever wanted. But, could I stand beside him all the way?

Thinking of it alone made me cry. What did I do to make them hate me so much? What did I do to deserve all this hate? As a tear trickled it's way down my left cheek, I wiped it away. I did not have to think about it, they didn't even know about our relationship. While the boys were still here, I put on a smile, I didn't breathe a word about the tweets.

Since Connor possibly haven't been on twitter, I guess he didn't see the posts. They were only posted yesterday, when the video was posted. I hope Connor doesn't see and gets all protective over me, I didn't need pity. Neither did I want him to get worried.

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts by a tone from my phone, indicating I received a message. I picked up my phone from the side table and read the message.

Connor <3: Hey, idk if you're awake but don't worry about the haters ok? They don't know about us.

He sent me a message ensuring that I was fine. But how did he know?! I replied

Yeah I'm fine. I'm just a bit affected, by them. And btw did u just use One Direction reference?!

In less than a minute Connor replied

Connor <3: Just ignore them alright?? They're just a bit over protective. And maybe a bit jealous my girlfriend is so beautiful, also I'm no longer single.  

PS I did use 1D reference ;)

I smiled at the message while replying a goodnight. And a ':)' he was cheeky. I went back to sleep in now what was known as comfort. Connor's words about those haters made me feel a lot better now.


I woke up in the morning feeling refreshed. The doctor said I may be able to go home today I couldn't wait!! I went to brush my teeth and checked the time 9.00 am. Breakfast would be here soon. I decided to check my twitter. And my followers skyrocketed, by not 1000. But this time 2380! As I scrolled though my tweets, one stood out from all of them.

@connorfranta Ok, I get it that you guys care about @Jojoel being my new gf, calm down. Stop giving her hate and even death threats! She's upset!

Connor stood up for me. He did, he help me fend off the haters. I was so grateful to him I wanted to hug him and all. But with a few streets in-between, that was kinda hard.... I immediately exited twitter and sent him a text.

Morning. :) thanks.

I set my phone down on the side table and at that exact same moment, the nurse came in with my breakfast. It was a glass of orange juice and some eggs and bacon. I specially requested for orange juice as I hated milk. (A/N idk why I'm emphasizing on food though.....)

I ate a bit of eggs and realized, hey, maybe hospitals serve good breakfast. I'd always love their breakfast? If that didn't sound weird...... Anyways.

Connor than replied as I wiped the off ketchup the sides of my mouth.

Morning :) Feeling much better today?? Btw, I'm coming over soon. You can go home today.

I smiled as I laid back in bed. And replied him

Yeah, much better. :)

It was as though he knew what I was thanking him for, of course he did silly. I smiled looking straight ahead. At an empty piece of wall. But I kept my smile, though I looked like an idiot.

Soon enough, almost 10 minutes the door opened. Connor walked in alongside JC. Even though I was mad at JC yesterday, I no longer was. I gave him a hug, as a way of saying 'I forgive you'. He understood giving me a smile.

-20 mins later-

"Ok Jo, get in the car. We can handle this." Connor told me with a smile. I walked him before pecking him on the cheek. Yeah, intended to be on the cheek. But god knows what's with that boy, I ended up kissing him on the lips. Well, what can I say.

I thanked him and walked into the car JC giving me a look which was like a look where your best friend gives you when your crush walks in. I gave him a smack on the shoulders, but I was sure elated to get home and lie on my comfortable bed.

The hospital bed, it was nothing but a rock.


So there you go! Chapter 16 :) Ok, I don't like this chapter, there wasn't enough Jonnor :( But I'll try to write more of Jonnor, if you want.

CHAPTER DEDICATION TO @Shanthi2001 CAUSE I CAN. #idowhatiwant

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