Chapter 10- Making #Jonnor A Thing

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Hi. Um, read. I don't know what to say.... :)


"OHMYGOD. GUYS, THEY'RE HOLDING HANDS. GUYSGUYSGUYS." Ricky freaked out as I walked down the steps, my fingers intertwined with Connor's. I blushed, currently embarrassed to the extreme. I'm pretty sure I'm a freaking tomato right now. We quickly walked over to the sofa, where Kian was sitting. Grouchily.

What is seriously wrong with that guy?!

Always giving me the long face. Like seriously?!

"I BOUGHT MOVIES!!!!" Trevor exclaimed. He held up a CD folder-thingy (A/N: I literally just forgot the name). He tossed it over to me. Before the guys got to the discs, I'm gonna pick. The moment I flipped it, Hunger Games was staring at me.


I quickly inserted the disc into the console, now they can't do anything about me. I quickly sat down as Connor put his arms around my waist. He gave me a peck on my forehead as we proceeded to watch the movie.

As we watched the movie, I got tired. I felt my eyelids drooping down. I struggled to keep them open. I finally gave in, I let them fall, going into complete darkness.

~Next Morning~

I felt something on my neck. I turned around trying to get some sleep, thinking it stopped. But it continued. I opened my eyes to see Connor kissing my neck. Pretty freaked out.

"Why'd you wake me up...." I asked Connor.

"Cus I needed to hear your voice." He replied. Cheesy much? Meh, I didn't care. I woke up and found some of the clothes that Connor gave me and went to take a shower.

After I was done with my shower, I reached out for my towel. HOLY FREAKING CRAP. MY TOWEL'S OUTSIDE. Sometimes, I applaud myself for the level of dumbness I have. Who goes into a shower without a freaking towel?! Me.

"Uhhh, Connor. Could you help me get my towel??" I asked. Hopefully he doesn't play any tricks.....

"Oh, ok, sure. Is yours the blue one? Red? Orange? Green? Purple? Yello-"

"Connor, there's only white."

"SURE. Come here and get it than." He replied playfully. Oh great. I took some of my dirty clothes and covered-up a little. I slowly walked over to him, careful not to let the clothes fall. As he held it further up, I used both my hands. Told you I was dumb. His eyes widened, probably twice the size.

Lemme tell you this. When one of your hands are busy. No matter the circumstances, let it do the same thing. Like me. My clothes fell. Now I'm literally naked in front of him.

I panicked, as I ran to the bathroom again. I heard Connor laugh, loudly. He knocked on the door as I opened a slight crack, just enough to peep through.

"Not like there's anything I haven't seen before!" Connor said as he chuckled. He handed me the towel and I pulled it before quickly closing the door. Sometimes, he's such a jerk. I dried myself and went outside.

He looked at me head to toe as I hung up my towel. I couldn't stand him anymore, I picked up a pillow and started hitting him.

"I. HATE. YOU. SO. MUCH." I said. Emphasizing each word. He tickled me and pushed me into a laying position.

"Nah, you love me." He said cheekily before kissing me. It would've been nice and sweet if Trevor didn't barge in telling us to go for breakfast at Macdonalds. He acted all casual like he didn't see anything. I giggled as I got up and adjusted the sweater, it fitted me perfectly, how odd.


There was a tiny place, kinda like a mall but not. The guys walked straight into Macdonalds so, I followed suit. Connor intertwined my fingers with his and held onto me like I'm a little child.

As we ordered our breakfast, I took out my wallet. Connor beat me to that and smacked the notes onto the counter before I could. The cashier took the money and quickly gave him the change. I shot daggers at Connor, I liked to pay for my own meals.

"Connor, don't you ever do that again."

"It's my first gift to you. Soon, there will be many to come. I'm gonna prepare myself for the lectures I'm gonna get from you. Teacher." Connor said jokingly. I smacked his hand as he gave me a peck on the cheek. Seriously?

I walked over to the table as I saw the rest of they guys eating. No, they were gorging down food. Like literally gorging. Bunch of hungry beasts.

I sat down and started eating my breakfast. After my first mouthful, literally everyone was done. Well except for me and Connor. We ate breakfast as we joked around.

~After Macdonalds~

"So.... Since you came with no clothes..... Let's go buy some!" Connor said cheerfully as he grabbed my hand and went into one of the stores. The moment I went in, I caught sight of a dress. I picked it up and turned around. Connor was gone. I looked to my left, he was walking over to me. With some flats in his hands.

He handed me a pair of turquoise ones and made me try them. I fitted my foot in and I loved the shoes. He made me try like 5 pairs and quite a lot of clothes. From dresses to jeans. It felt like a shopping spree.

As I went up to the cashier and made my payment, Connor quickly handed her a credit card.

"Here, take this." He said. I looked up at him with my mouth wide open. I was pretty sure they were costly, like, if you saw the amount, you would know what I mean.

As we walked out of the shop, I thanked him. I gave up asking him to stop paying for me. I saw a photo-booth and quickly dragged Connor over to it. We took a few snaps and spilt up the photos.

Even though I was happy at that moment, I knew. I would leave in a months time. My mum would be back, to pick me up. Speaking of which, she hasn't called me for the past few days.


Ya. Hasn't called. #justsaying She didn't call. Not suspicious at all. Vote, comment :)

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