Chapter 11- Mum

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So, On to this chapter.


I sat back on the bed once we reached home. I'm bummed out, with all that running around, who wouldn't? I slowly took out my newly bought clothes. I put hung them onto the hangers inside the closets. Looking at the dresses, reminded me of mum.


I was sitting down on my bed. It was my birthday, nobody had given me a present...... I played with my doll. It was a present from my dad, my birthday present last year to be exact. He gave it to me before he went on a train to someplace. He never came back.

I never knew why. Mum told me dad had gone to a happier place. I did question her why he didn't bring me, mum didn't answer. So I kept quiet.

Mum had been on the sewing machine this few days, not allowing me to stand beside. She had been making something. Too busy to make time for me...... But, I guessed it must be important. Otherwise, she wouldn't have left me out.

As I was picking out a new dress for my dolls, JC walked in. He handed me a wrapped up something. It was wrapped in my favourite colour, baby pink. Tied up with a white, silk ribbon. I smiled at him.

"Uhhh.... I bought that for you..... And I made some of them." JC said nervously. My brother would give me a present every year. Always surprising me. I opened the wrapped up box and found a card inside. It was a birthday card from JC. I took out the contents of the box and I loved it. It contained a headband, a beaded bracelet and necklace.

I hugged JC and went to my closet. Being my twin, I couldn't give him nothing right?? I gave him the box as a smile appeared on his face. He opened it up and hugged the present. I gave him a Teddy bear. Since dad gave me a doll, he needed to have something too. I decided on a Teddy bear. It was a bear, coloured light blue. With a shirt that said 'JC' I asked mum for help to sew it on.

"THANK YOU!" We both said in unison. As we did, we laughed hysterically. At that same time, mum walked in with something in her hands.

"JC, Joel, I have something for you guys." she paused and handed us something. "Happy Birthday." I got a dress. Mum made me a white dress and JC a knitted beanie for winter. I held out the white dress. She had sewn a few little flowers on the sleeve of the dress. I love the dress.


I held up the white dress and thought of mum. I haven't spoke to her, or received a text from her since last week. I'm getting a bit worried. I walked down the stairs and asked JC if he had heard from mum. He shook his head replying with a no.

I took up my phone with my eyebrows starting to frown. I found her number and dialed it. She didn't pick up, instead, it was the lady who would talk a bunch. I tried again to no avail. So, I decided that I would call her company.


"Hi, it's Infinity Company. My name's John. how may I help you?"

"Uhh, I'm Joel Castillo. The daughter of Shania Castillo."

"Oh, um. I have some news to tell you...."

"I called to ask if my mum was still overseas. I haven't heard from her since 2 weeks ago."

"Yeah.... I was about to tell you about that," he passed a while before continuing "We wanted to call you but we didn't have your number and we-"

"JUST TELL ME ALREADY!" I was getting impatient with John.

"Ok, young lady. Your mum, while she was overseas, she met with an accident. She was coming back from the post office apparently. And as she went back, she got into a car crash. The driver was speeding, causing severe injuries in her head......"

"How is she now?!"

"She is, currently..... She has passed on. I'm sorry to tell you but we-"

I didn't let him finish the conversation. I hung up immediately. Facing reality was hard, I just cried my eyes out bawling.


IM SORRY. I HAD TO. Yea, so her dad died.... And her mum..... And yea.... Vote, and comment. <3

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