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"I'm probably just gonna stay in my room tonight" Dan sobbed, I felt so bad for him, the least I could do to help him out is stay in here with him for tonight "I could stay in here with you if you'd like?" He sniffed his nose and I gave him a kiss on the cheek to try and make him smile, or at least make him stop crying. "Yes please" I pulled a woolly blanket from the end of his bed and put it around his shoulders to make him feel more comfortable. "We can watch some YouTube if you want, I'll get some snacks too" he nodded and picked up his laptop from his bedside table as I started to make my way to his bedroom door "I'll be back in a second".

I made my way down the hall, my anger clearly resonating in my footsteps. I stormed into the kitchen and was greeted by PJ and Adams guilt ridden faces. "Is Dan ok?" Adam asked me quietly, I shot them both a venomous glare before rummaging through all of the cupboards in the kitchen trying to find some snacks as possible. "Y/N, answer Adam" PJ snapped, I removed my head from the cupboard I was currently raiding and gave him the most hateful expression I could muster "excuse me?" I'm so done with his bullshit. "Look I'm sorry I snapped, I jus-" I clicked my fingers as hard as possible, causing a loud click resonate around the room, silencing him immediately. "What makes you think you can talk to me like that?" I stared him down and he just squirmed in his seat uncomfortably.

"The next time you give me attitude I will back hand you into the fucking sun" Adam sniggered under his breath and I collected all of the snacks I had managed to find in my arms, caressing it all like a baby. I had 6 packets of crisps, 1 chocolate bar and a pack of haribos. "What are you going to do with all that food?" Adam raised his eyebrow at me and I just ignored him and began to make my way down the hall and back to Dan's room.


"Is she always like this?" Adam asked me as we both watched her storm down the hall with her arms full of snacks "nope, she's probably annoyed that we upset Dan" a pang of guilt hit me in the chest and caused a wide frown to creep onto my face "I feel so bad for him, he only wanted to wear a skirt" I mumbled and looked at my feet, I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault.

"Same, maybe we should do something to cheer him up?" I did want to do something nice for Dan but I have no idea what to do. The only people who know Dan really well, and I mean really well, are Y/N and Phil. Adam hasn't spoken to him in months, maybe even years so he wouldn't know what he likes. "I know!" Adam exclaimed, his eyes wide with excitement. "You have loads of twitter followers right?" I nodded slowly, not knowing where he was going with this idea. "Maybe you could get his fans to tweet him something encouraging!" I know what he meant, I could get his fans to tweet him an encouraging message using a hashtag. Maybe we could get it trending..

"That's a great idea!" I whispered, I didn't want to yell too loudly other wise Dan would hear and it would ruin the surprise. "When should we do it?" I started to think about it and it would probably be best to do it now while Y/N and Dan are preoccupied. "Let's do it now" I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and typed in my passcode "are you sure?" I nodded and continued to open Twitter on my phone. I felt my heart start to beat faster due to my excitement, I couldn't wait to see Dan's reaction.

"What are you gonna say?" I started to write the tweet out and recited what I was toying as I typed it to Adam to keep him up to date "‪I need you all to send @/danisnotonfire an encouraging message using the hashtag #weloveyoudan! It's really important that you all do it!‬" I looked up at Adam for confirmation and he just nodded with a massive grin on his face "this is going to be awesome".

Btw I haven't had time to proof read any of these so sorry for shit spelling

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