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20 shirts, 10 skirts and 5 pairs of leggings later and we finally started the final phase of our operation, accessories.

We had to chose which accessory shop to go to first, we had the choice of either accessorise, Claire's or maybe H&M if they have anything. "Lets go to accessorise, Claire's is for kids in primary school" Dan joked as we sauntered confidently towards accessorise, so far we had accumulated 4 bags worth of clothes and my arms felt like they were being ripped out of their sockets they were so heavy. "True, what things do you want to get?" I saw his eyes light up and he looked like he had just witnessed the second coming of Christ. "Well I really wanna get a choker, like one of the thick ones, maybe some cool necklaces? And perhaps we could get some bracelets if we see any that look cool" his voice was so bright and energetic it made me feel warm and happy inside.

"Let's go then!" We started to walk at a quicker pace as neither Dan nor I could wait to buy some more awesome clothes for him.

The second we stepped inside the shop I noticed how eerily empty it is, usually there's loads of people walking around and at the tills. But now there's only 2 customers and 8 employees, it was usually the other way around. Dan and I started to mess around with the products on the shelves and the things on display, laughing at how stupid we were being. "Look at me" Dan grabbed a hairband off the rack and put it in his hair, but instead of putting it in properly he pushed it back which pulled back his hair, revealing his rather large forehead. "I'm Brendon urie" I stared him dead in the eyes for about 5 seconds before bursting out laughing. That was absolutely bloody priceless.

Everyone started to stare at us but with smiles on their faces which was a welcome change from all the odd looks we had been getting all day. As Dan removed the hair band from his head and repositioned his hair back into his trademark fringe, an employee approached us. "Hello! Can I help you find anything little miss?" I was kind of confused as to why a middle aged man that works at accessorise had just called me 'little miss', you don't call your customers little miss. "Actually we're shopping for my boyfriend" I stated in an obviously sarcastic tone, he looked over to Dan with a concerned expression slapped on his face.

"But he's a boy, I think you're a bit confused" oh, is that how he wants to play it? Well two can play at that game. "No, I think it's you who is a bit confused here" I could tell Dan didn't want me to kick off but I wasn't letting this dick head get off scot free. "You think that you can be rude to a customer who is shopping in your shop, and if that doesn't scream confused then I don't know what does" I stared the man straight in the face, making him feel obviously uneasy. "Calm down little girl, it must just be that time of the month for you".





Did that twat just making a bloody period joke? "Right, that's it" I snatched a handful of flower hair clips from a transparent plastic box that was behind me and started to clip them onto his uniform. "Oh look at you, you must be so confused if you're a boy wearing *gasp* accessories" he tried to brush the clips off him but they stayed on in time for me to grab some headbands and slip them onto his balding head while he was distracted. By this point everyone in the shop, and even some people looking in from the windows at the front of the shop, was watching me with looks of confusion and amusement on their faces.

"Sir! Get your woman away from me!" I looked behind me as I continued to decorate the mans uniform with different clips and hair bands and saw Dan with his arms crossed and all of his weight shifted onto his right leg. "Sorry, I don't control her, I don't control anyone apart from me" he stepped closer to the man and the height difference was almost comical, Dan towered over the employee while the man was dwarfed by dans height. "Neither do you, so don't think you can control what someone wears".

Slowly, the rest of the employees who had so far just stood their speculating on the situation, started to applaud Dan and I, I even noticed that one of the employees had been recording all of this on their iPhone. "Preach!" The clapping grew louder and louder, some of the people on the outside of the shop who had managed to hear the events transpire started to clap.

I stood their with my head held high, I've never felt so proud of myself before in my entire life.

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