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"Are you guys ready yet? Our reservations at 9pm!" I was stood at the front door, tapping my foot impatiently, waiting for the boys to finish getting ready "almost! Just getting our shoes on!" I swear to god I felt like I was a mum, rushing to get her children to school on time.

I was getting really impatient but then Dan, Phil, PJ and Chris all shuffled down the hall and I immediately opened the front door "come on! We have 10 minutes to get there!" Whenever it came to getting places on time I always wanted to get there early, I don't know why.

We all made our way down the stairs of the building and out onto the street where pjs car was parked. "I'll drive" I volunteered, I knew that I was probably the most alert seeing as the rest of them had been playing just dance till 3am.

I had only gotten my driving license a year or two ago and I hadn't done a lot of driving since then so I was a little rusty. However despite me almost crashing into someone three times we managed to make it to the restaurant in one piece.

We all got out of the car and I realised how heavily everyone was breathing "I think I'll drive on the way back" PJ chuckled, still panting "agreed" Dan, Phil and Chris all murmured in unison, they all were breathing pretty heavily and I couldn't help but laugh.

We all walked across the street to the restaurant, because it was a Saturday it was pretty busy but i didn't mind, at least we wouldn't be able to be seen as easily.

We all waited for about 5 at the front of the restaurant, waiting for a worker to show us to our table. Eventually a lady wearing a white shirt, pencil skirt and a bow tie stood in front of us and smiling friendly "hello! I'll be your waitress for this evening, do you have a reservation?" I nodded and she asked me what name it was under, since I had used pjs debit card to pay I remembered putting it under his name "liguori?".

She checked the computer that was on a pedestal next to her and nodded "ok, let me take you to your table" she beckoned for us to follow her and so we did.

We all sat down at a table with a sofa and I made sure I sat on the side of the table that had the sofa and Dan sat next to me "I'll let you guys take a look at the menu" she placed 3 menus on the table and walked away.

"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" Phil joked, I nodded in agreement "same" we all started to look at the menu and 10 minutes later a girl who looked as if she was about to explode approached our table sheepishly. I tried to hide my face with the menu, I didn't want to cause a scene in the middle of the restaurant.

"H-hi" she stuttered, I felt excited for her, it must feel amazing to finally meet your favourite celebrities "hi! What's your name?" Phil smiled at her, putting down his menu "my n-names j-jasmine" I always loved the name jasmine, it was such a pretty name "I love you guys so much" she looked over at Dan so I made sure she couldn't see my face "congratulations Dan! I bet your new girlfriend is super pretty and really sweet!" I moved the menu away so that my eyes were visible.

"She is, and thank you so much!" Dan stood up and leaned down to give jasmine a hug, the height difference was so big it was comical. The rest of the boys stood up and gave her a hug, took a few selfies with her and then before she walked away she suddenly noticed me "OMG, are you dans girlfriend?" I knew that jasmine was nice so I had to problem letting her see me, the second I took the menu away from my face she gasped "I knew you would be pretty!" I blushed, I never get compliments, let alone from strangers.

"Thank you!" I smiled at her and she smiled back "bye!" She waved and walked back to her table were I could see her family. "Well she was lovely!" I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, maybe dans fans would like me after all.

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