
55 3 8

Your POV-

All of a sudden my door began to open and Phil and I turned to face who ever was entering, it was Dan. "Hi" he mumbled shyly, looking down at his feet as he shuffled in awkwardly "hey" I sniffed my nose, all of this crying that I had been doing had given me a runny nose. "I'm sorry for being annoying lately" annoying? That was a massive understatement.

"I promise I won't ever do it again and if I do I give you permission to change the wifi password and not tell me" woah, he must mean it, he likes wifi more than me so that must mean something but I still need more convincing. "If you forgive me then I'd really like it if you could take me shopping for.." he mumbled the rest of his sentence so quietly nor I or Phil could understand him "what was that?" I asked, I removed Phil's hand from my shoulder and started to stand up in a slightly defensive position with my arms crossed across my chest "I'd like if you could take me shopping for skirts".

What? Dan wanted me to take him shopping for skirts? I don't mind of course but that's incredibly uncharacteristic of him, he hasn't told me that he wanted skirts, or anything like that before. "Okay, we can make a day of it" Dan looked at me with wide, puppy dog eyes and his mouth open slightly "really? After me being such an prick?" I nodded, I hated what has been happening between us lately and a shopping trip would be the perfect way to make our relationship stronger.

"Go and get changed and then we can go shopping" I felt like a mum getting their child ready for school, I pretty much am a mum at the minute if I'm being honest. "Are you sure?" Ok if he took any longer then I'm not going to take him at all "did I hesitate?" I snapped with an almost psychotic grin on my face, Phil laughed behind me and I turned my head around like the girl from the exorcist to face him. "I'm sorry, it was funny" he looked down at his feet so I turned back to look at Dan and he was gone.

I was still wearing my pikachu onesie so I shooed Phil out of my room and started to tear all of my clothes out of my wardrobe to find something that has been washed. I pulled out something decent, a light blue jumper that had 'baby' written on it in white cursive on the front, grey ripped jeans and my trusty shoulder bag that was covered in pins. Perfect.

I was kind of excited to go shopping with Dan, I've always secretly wanted to see him in a skirt and with painted nails, he'll look great.

"Come on then Danny!" I belted at the top of my lungs, I was already at the front door getting ready to open it when Dan suddenly came hurtling down the hall way towards me. "Ok, I'm ready" I rolled my eyes at him and opened the door, standing back to let him through "thank you" he mumbled shyly as he slithered passed me, very obviously trying not to make eye contact.

Luckily the flat was only a 10 minute walk from the nearest shopping centre, a 5 minute drive if you take the bus. "Should we grab a bus or walk?" I think it would be weird if we were sat on the bus, then people would be able to hear us talking about matters that I would rather have remain private, I think walking would be best "let's walk".

As we were walking I could see a concoction of excitement and nervousness spread across dans face, I should give him some words of encouragement. "So are you happy? That you're gonna get some new clothes" he kept looking ahead vacantly, as if he was in his own world, until he snapped awake and nodded "yeah, I've wanted to for a while" I liked this side of Dan, calming, not possessive and totally relaxed.

"I'm sorry about you becoming involved with the wrong side of me" I suddenly became very confused, what did he mean by the 'wrong side of him'? As far as I'm concerned there aren't any wrong sides of him, apart from the jealous side of him of course. "When we started dating, and for a large period after that, I was very stressed and used you as a sort of escape" I kept silently listening, focusing on both his words and the miscellaneous marks on the pavement cement.

"You were a whole new world that I could confide in" I'm glad Dan's finally being upfront with everything, I love it when he's open about his feelings. "As lovely as you are, it still didn't get rid of my stress, so I ended up being possessive and just generally not myself" we had almost arrived at the shopping centre so Dan might want to hurry up his talk, even though I do appreciate how brace he's being. "So now I'm trying to focus on being me again".


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