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Your POV-

"What are we going to do about Seb?" Dan, Phil, PJ, Chris, Sam and I were all awake and crowded around the breakfast bar watching YouTube on Chris's laptop while eating breakfast.

"I don't know, I don't care what happens as long as I don't have to see him again" I mumbled while nibbling on my pancake "same, maybe we should just let it slide-" Phil was interrupted by PJ slamming his hand on the table, making us all jump "like hell am I going to let that little shit slide, no offence Sam" Sam shrugged and took a massive bite out of her pancake "none taken".

We all sat quietly with Shane Dawson on in the background, last nights events had worn everyone out so much that we all had massive, dark blue bags under our eyes. "Ughh, I'm so tired" I groaned, I just wanted to crawl into my nice warm bed, curl up into a ball and sleep.

"Let's get the guest room ready for Sam" Dan yawned, they have another guest room? Damn, uncle max didn't do too bad for himself did he? "Ok, how long do you want to stay here Sam?" Sam rubbed their eyes and sighed "well my friend Phoenix is moving out to a flat with two bedrooms and he's invited me to live there so maybe 3 days, give or take".

I really didn't want Sam to go, it seems stupid but I had become really attached to them. "Ok then, I'll get it set up" Dan and Chris both left their pancakes on their plates and left the room.

Dans POV-

Chris and I started to clean up all of the junk from off the floor, this room hadn't been used in years so we just dump all of our old stuff in here. "Hey Chris, you know you're good with dating and all that stuff?" I picked up an old Winnie the Pooh teddy bear that my mum gave to me and put it in a cardboard box.

"Not really but ok" he chuckled "how do I treat Y/N properly? I want to be the best boyfriend I can be for her" I kneeled down and started to gather up a bundle of old clothes in my arms "maintaining a healthy relationship is a lot like having a plant" Chris began "if you water it too much then it dies" wow, very encouraging words of wisdom.

"But if you don't water if enough then it will also die" I sighed heavily and sat down on a pile of old teddy bears, dating isn't as easy as I thought it would be "I don't know Chris, Y/N is so special, what if I'm not good enough for her?" Chris stopped picking up clothes and sat next to me on a large plastic container "you and Y/N both have one massive thing in common, you both like to put yourselves down".

I looked down at my feet and let what Chris had just said roll around in my mind, he was right. I always give up before I try. "You both love each other and as long as that love is there, you should fight for it" wow. I've never heard Chris be that sentimental before.

"Thanks Chris, that's actually really good advice" that's one of the best things about living with your best friends, they're always there for you, always.


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